
Form Not forwarding to ending

  • 26 November 2021
  • 5 replies

When the final question is completed on my form, for some reason it is not forwarding respondents to the ending section. I've tried multiple ways to fix this, however got no luck. please help

5 replies

Hi @Sammyp. This is from another user.

I’m assuming here you’re not using any jump logics, is that correct? Could you please share a screenshot of what you see when you submit your form? This would help us to have a better understanding of the issue you’re facing.

No jump logics . On the preview on typeform everything works perfect. I embedded the html code on my website rather than use a url upon button click. When you go on the form via the website button, after the 9th question it just takes you straight to the home page of my website rather than letting the user get to the ending of the form . 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Sammyp. Apologies for my delay! Could you please send a screenshot of the setup of your form in the builder so we can better help? :grinning:


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Thanks, @Sammyp. ! It looks like you have a few different endings, so in this case, you’ll need to use logic jumps to send the respondent to the corresponding ending. This article here can walk you through setting logic jumps, and let us know if those jumps don’t work! 
