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Multiple answer fields within one question + a Text box and numerical answer field

  • 12 July 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi team,

as good as typeform is especially with user friendly. It could use several quality of life changes. For example, an option to create a question and allow for multiple answers rather than using logic / question group will GO A LONG WAY. Trust me. This saves time on surveyors and respondents end too! 

I am so not sure why this isn’t there and not implemented on the platform yet.

Additionally, I want to add a question which asks the top 5 age groups and provide the percentages of these age groups? I could create 5 multiple choice with multiple selection option but it would be nice to have an option to add a text field with these multiple choices too. 

Best Regards


Hi @AH6991 Happy Fri-yay! Thanks for sending these ideas over. I’ll share them with the product team!

It might also help to know that we have launched multiple questions per page now, so even though you can’t add multiple text boxes to a question, you could add multiple text questions to one screen. 😀

Hi Liz, 
Thank you, Yes, I’ve used the multiple questions feature as well. Enjoying the features. 

Would really love to see features for multiple answers on the platform at some point! 

Best Regards,

@AH6991 I’ll share that feedback with the product team!
