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Size grid

Hi and Happy New Year everyone,

I would like to replace my clothes size charts page with Typeform. I have a lot of differents grids (top, bottom, underwear, swimwear ...)

Rather than asking a question for each multiple choice grid, I would like to ask only 3 questions (entered a number for chest, hip circumference...) to give all sizes for each clothing family.

What I don't understand is how to use those numbers next. Shouldn't there be a database?

Best answer by Liz

Oh, I see. Thank you for clarifying. If you’re asking for the range (ex, 72-75cm), then the multiple choice would be the best bet. 

Otherwise, if you want them to enter the data manually, you could use the number question for this. 

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  • January 6, 2022

Hi @brandybuck Welcome to the community! Sounds like quite the form. I’m not totally sure I understand what you’re looking to do within the Typeform. Do you mind sharing more about the questions you’d like to have in the form? 

We don’t have an option to store a database of information, so anything you’d like to ask would need to be pre-set within the questions. 

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  • January 6, 2022

Hi @Liz  and thanks for you help,

I will try to be clearer by detailing my flow

First question : I ask for what type of clothes the size is desired (A - bra, B - top, C - bottom)

For answer A - Bra, i ask the 2 questions below: 

Question A-1:


Question A-2:
For this question there are different measures depending on the answer A-1, the question below is therefore present 6 times


For answer B - Bottom, i ask 1 question below: 

For answer C - Top, i ask the same question A-2 (see above)

I would like my flow not to look like this because it is not very optimized, I would like to ask for the 3 sizes directly from the start (without multiple choice) and give all the sizes (bra, top, bottom) in one answer. Do you understand?


Community Team
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  • January 6, 2022

Hi @brandybuck Ah, thank you! Our forms show one question at at time, so it wouldn’t be possible to show three questions at once. You could use a dropdown menu instead of the multiple choice so you don’t have to directly list everything. 

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  • January 6, 2022

Hi @Liz,


We misunderstood each other, I don't want to ask all 3 “size” questions at once but one after the other. Questions whitout multiple choice but field #Number. 

What I don't understand is how to use the numbers entered next without database?





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  • Answer
  • January 6, 2022

Oh, I see. Thank you for clarifying. If you’re asking for the range (ex, 72-75cm), then the multiple choice would be the best bet. 

Otherwise, if you want them to enter the data manually, you could use the number question for this. 

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • January 30, 2022

Hi and Happy New Year everyone,


I would like to replace my clothes size charts page with Typeform. I have a lot of differents grids (top, bottom, underwear, swimwear ...)


Rather than asking a question for each multiple choice grid, I would like to ask only 3 questions (entered a number for chest, hip circumference...) to give all sizes for each clothing family.


What I don't understand is how to use those numbers next. Shouldn't there be a database

Community Team
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  • 14883 replies
  • January 31, 2022

Hi @Devil welcome to the community! Adding your post here where we have the answer (and it seems the exact question, too). :grinning:
