New! Do more with Typeform's updated Slack integration 💬 | Community
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New! Do more with Typeform's updated Slack integration 💬

New! Do more with Typeform's updated Slack integration 💬
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Hello Typeform Community!


Attention all Slack users 📣  Our Research and Development team has recently updated Tyepform’s Slack integration, meaning there are some cool new things you can do with the two products!


Watch the video below to learn more about all the new features in this update or scroll through them below. You can also find more in-depth information in our Help Center article here



Route responses to multiple channels or direct messages


Previously, responses could only be sent to one channel, but now you can send to as many as you’d like, including direct messages. Channels can be added in the integration setup process. 




Edit the integration


If you find yourself needing to add channels, remove channels, or make any changes to the integration, you can easily edit it within the Connect panel by clicking the “Edit” button. 




And that’s all, folks! As always, drop any comments or feedback in the thread below. 


Want more integrations?

It’s not just Slack you can connect to Typeform, we support integration with a whole host of other tools, so you can make your Typeform campaigns even more effective. Check out Typeform Connect where you can read more about Typeform’s Slack integration and browse dozens more!



3 replies

  • Socializer
  • 11 replies
  • June 17, 2023
  1. Congrats for this ! …. can you show me some more “Case examples” of how you or others are using this - in what situations.

    I admit my lack of knowledge on Slack - although I am on a “writer’s channel” and have some awareness/experience on it [not too much yet ;) ]…

    How can this be used for situations like:

    1. marketing to the wider world [if at all]
    2. Creating a group : is it like ‘a tool to gain interaction” with the group within Slack?

    3. For those that want to do this outside slack - like on Facebook OR MightyNetwork, I suppose it’s as simple as “embedding a typeform” within? 


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  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14840 replies
  • June 20, 2023

Hi @Brain Thanks for stopping by and great question! Slack is a messaging app, so if you aren't already using Slack, it may not be the best tool for you. 

You mentioned having a writer’s channel - is that on Slack? 

My writing group and I do have a Slack workspace that we use. I don’t currently use typeform for it, but now that I’m thinking of it, I could have a form for us to fill out weekly that would keep us accountable for our book writing. (We’re all trying to finish a book by the end of summer.)

For example, I could post the link in Slack and then connect my typeform to Slack to send the responses publicly to everyone. 

If you are using it outside of Slack, embedding would possibly be the way to go, but we’d need to know a bit more about your setup to be sure. 

Community Team
  • Community Team
  • 678 replies
  • June 20, 2023

Thanks @Brain! According to our product marketing team the most common use case for the Slack integration with Typeform is to get notified in real time when a response comes in. It’s usually because the responses are leads. So, they set up a Slack channel where those leads come in and then are triaged by a marketing or sales team to determine who to follow-up with immediately.

But as ​​​@Liz says if you’re not already using it in your work there are better ways of reaching people with typeforms, and countless other places to share your responses (check Typeform Connect for more ideas!)
