Trigger different ads conversions on form submission with GTM depending on the ending | Community
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Trigger different ads conversions on form submission with GTM depending on the ending

  • August 6, 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi guys

I’m using a embedded typeform to collect leads on my website and I would like to be able to trigger Google Ads or Facebook Ads conversion based on the ending the respondent get and not only the form submission.

Indeed, if a lead doesn’t fit my qualification requirements (based on his answers) I will redirect him to a specific ending (with no conversion event fired) while the one who is qualified will be redirected to another (with conversion events fired).


To ensure that my conversions are perfectly tracked without cross-domain issues, I send them from my landing page directly using an event listener function to get events from the typeform embedded iframe (see the sript below) : 

var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
var eventer = window[eventMethod];
var messageEvent = eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message";

// Listen to message from child window
eventer(messageEvent,function(e) {
var key = e.message ? "message" : "data";
var data = e[key];

if(data.type == "form-ready"){
console.log("???? Typeform launched detected!")
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
'event': 'typeform_started',
'typeFormID': data.formId

else if(data.type == "form-submit"){
console.log("???? Typeform Conversion detected!")
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
'event': 'typeform_submitted',
'typeFormID': data.formId

else if (data.type == "form-screen-changed") {
var stepReference = data.ref;
console.log("???? Typeform Step Changed!" + stepReference)
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
'event': 'typeform_step_change',
'typeFormID': data.formId,
'stepReference': data.ref


It works like a charm except that the form-submit event doesn’t return the ending ID (as for the form-screen-changed where the page ID is included in the data.ref) so I can’t know if the lead is qualified or not. 

Any idea on how I can achieve this ?

Many thanks in advance 

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • August 7, 2024

Hi @fverneau Oh wow! This is quite the setup you have. I’m afraid I don’t have too much technical knowledge here of how to set this up with Google Ads, however, @propfunnel or another community member might have some more insight on this for you!
