Hi everyone,
I am stuck with an issue. I am saving the form builder answers in my database with the help of onSubmit hanlder.
When I retrieve the form response with Response API it shows the output as following
"field": {
"id": "tuK1EK2yiR9D",
"ref": "38d541fa-bc0e-4e32-8d5a-ea60c3cbb349",
"type": "phone_number"
"type": "phone_number",
"phone_number": "+91XXXXXX"
"field": {
"id": "PjaUlRPVyGp7",
"ref": "4fff8e2b-85b5-469d-8144-15ba6b4e73e9",
"type": "email"
"type": "email",
"email": "XXXX@gmail.com"
Actually I need to set the field/question name and title to “field” key so that I can parse the response and save as per my needs.
But as you see from the above response snapshot the response can’t be figured out which response does it belongs to as there might be many other Phone Number & Email Fields too in my questions, even it might have many multiple choice question.
Is there any way to achieve it with the form builder from admin panel?