End pages and quotas | Community
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End pages and quotas

  • December 13, 2021
  • 7 replies


I am using a panel database supplier and we need to introduce end pages from the supplier for completes (redirect from the end page), overquotas (i.e. redirect after reaching survey limit to 500 responses) and Screenout  (e.g. under 18s). 


I think I can do the ‘completes’ from the end page but bout welcome confirmation. Also any ideas on overquotas and screenouts?




Best answer by Liz

Hi @sergi Welcome to the community! Happy to have you here. 

You can close your form when it reaches a certain number of responses by updating the setting following the steps here

As for the screenout, I’m not quite sure what this is. Would you mind explaining more about what you’re looking to do? Thanks!

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Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • December 13, 2021

Hi @sergi Welcome to the community! Happy to have you here. 

You can close your form when it reaches a certain number of responses by updating the setting following the steps here

As for the screenout, I’m not quite sure what this is. Would you mind explaining more about what you’re looking to do? Thanks!

  • Explorer
  • December 13, 2021

Hi Liz, 


Many thanks for your response. 

For the screen out, we re trying to interview over 18s and we are using an online data panel. This panel agency includes respondents of all ages so we need to redirect anyone under 18 to a http end page supplied by the panel agency. 


The same applies for the over quota - It looks as if the information you sent me only allows to display a message (This Typeform isn't accepting new responses, It's currently closed—sorry about that, etc). What we need is that if someone selects age under 18 they are automatically redirected to a webpage supplied by the online data panel, which is how they count their quotas.


i hope this makes sense.




Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • December 13, 2021

@sergi Oh! Gosh, I read this as 18 seconds….clearly, a Monday for me. 

You could add a yes/no question to your form that would ask if they are 18 and either allow them to continue or prevent them from moving forward in the form if they aren’t 18. You could also add a number question that asks for their age and then tells them whether or not they can proceed in the form. 

You can see my example here: 


In my example, I don’t have a button on the ending page, but you could add a button that redirects to the URL you’re referencing. 

  • Explorer
  • December 14, 2021

Hi Liz, 

The under 18s  logic worked, thank you very much!

For the over quota (once it reaches 500 responses), is there a way to redirect respondents to the consumer panel webpage or to another page on the Typeform and from there to the webpage, rather than displaying a message (This Typeform isn't accepting new responses, It's currently closed—sorry about that, etc).

I followed the instructions from your previous post and I have also added an image to the page, hoping the image could have a url added to it





Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • December 14, 2021

Hi @sergi Glad to hear that worked! You can change the close message, but we don’t have the option to redirect to another page at this time. :\ You could reference the site you’d like them to visit when editing those settings!

  • Explorer
  • December 14, 2021

Great, thanks for your help. Sergi :thumbsup:

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • December 14, 2021

Not a problem! Let me know if you need help with anything else, @sergi !
