Hello @tcsweb
> I wish to redirect the users to question 5 of the quiz at the end screen.
It is not possible to redirect users to specific question of your typeform. However you might be able to use logic to display the question you want as users answer the questions in your form.
> How can I make the quiz load within the frame (the form is embeded) without loading and moving away from my page.
Maybe you could user the redirectTarget
option from embed SDK to redirect in the same iframe (eg. data-tf-redirect-target=”_self”
> OR i can direct users to a new tab/page at the endscreen. But how can I have the link on button of the endscreen open as new tab?
You can use the redirectTarget option: data-tf-redirect-target=”_blank”
(see docs for limitations in some browsers when opening in new tab).
Alternatively you could use the onEndingButtonClick callback to implement the redirect logic in JavaScript yourself.