Transfer information from one Typefrom to another | Community
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Transfer information from one Typefrom to another

Hello, Typeform community,


So this is the scenario I'm currently facing. I need to survey 125 people over time. There are 4 surveys total, and the responses from survey #1 have to be transferred to survey #2, and the answers to survey #2 have to be transferred to #3… until I complete the 4 surveys. Each survey is going to be released one week apart from each other, meaning I can't use the option "Redirect to completion" since I don't want them to respond to the following survey just right after they respond to one of my surveys (they have to be a week apart from each other) 

My question is: is there a way I connect their responses to transfer information between the 4 surveys? or, Do I have to personalize 125 surveys 4 times for this survey dynamic to work? 



Best answer by john.desborough


i have included some screen shots below to walk through some of the logic in the Google Sheet. some initial notes:

  • always create a second tab so that you are not ‘messing around’ with the data on the tab where Typeform places the data/results - i call mine reporting
  • read up on the arrayformula() function - this helps to copy the data from the first to the second tab automatically without having to worry about copying commands down the columns

here’s a shot of the Google sheet tab in the cell where i add the email, firstname and last name values to the end of the url string that i want to use: this passes the values as hidden fields to a typeform that is expecting them

if you click on the image to enlarge it, you will see that the formula in in the url_string field has the details on the base url as well as the components to add the hidden fields

here is the syntax:

=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ISBLANK(A2:A)," ",""&G2:G&"&firstname="&H2:H&"&lastname="&I2:I))

what i show in the syntax just above is not what you see in the image, as i wanted to provide you something you could copy and play with. 

next: I use an add-in for Google Sheets called Document Studio which allows me to do things with reports (merge data from typeform into a google doc/slide and convert to pdf for mailing) and to send email out. I created an email - very simple - to mail to the email address in the google sheet that has the url string in the body of the email  - and made sure i did NOT have the include merge document option selected 


and then when it sends the mail, this is what i received

that sends me to the typeform with the hidden fields appended (i blocked the email address in the photo as i realized it was an actual address of mine lol) 


How you want to use the capabilities of the google sheets and simple functions, is really up to your creativity and what you find by searching Mr Google for examples of what you want to do .. 


i hope this helps a little 



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  • April 2, 2021

Hi @PaulaChG this is a really great question. Will you be saving the information from the responses anywhere, such as Mailchimp or another CRM service? If so, I may have a solution that would work for you! :) 

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • April 2, 2021

@PaulaChG @Liz 

just a thought from my melting igloo:

  • take the data from survey 1 and put it into a Google Sheet using the Connect integration with the email as the unique identifier (or another one if you have it) 
  • create the other three surveys and connect them to the same/existing google sheet - all data will go onto a separate tab in the sheet
  • from the first survey response, use the sql functions in google sheet to assemble the url to the next form, that includes the hidden fields for all the name/value pairs of data you want to pass to the subsequent form
  • enable the hidden fields on all the subsequent typeforms to accept the incoming hidden fields
  • send the assembled url to the email addresses of the folks in the survey population
  • you use @recall at any time in the subsequent form to display the data from earlier form that would pertinent (or necessary) to display. 

it is not as pretty as dumping it into a CRM and using api calls to get at it but it could be a possible work around

now back to trying to freeze more icecubes to try and maintain the igloo.. 





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  • April 2, 2021

Hi @Liz thanks for your response. I actually just opened an account with Mailchimp. I’m still unsure how that would help me achieve my goal! please share your ideas with me :)


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  • April 2, 2021

@john.desborough Oh wow! I appreciate the time you put to come up with this response. I’ll try it out and come back with my Feedback.

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  • April 2, 2021
PaulaChG wrote:

@john.desborough Oh wow! I appreciate the time you put to come up with this response. I’ll try it out and come back with my Feedback.

if it works, @PaulaChG , send one bag of ice cubes to Ottawa while we still have the cold temperatures so that i can plug holes in my igloo lol




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  • April 7, 2021

@john.desborough thanks again for the recommendation. Do you have links or additional resources about this step that you mentioned? Im not very familiar with the sql, how this could populate the link for the second survey?

  • from the first survey response, use the sql functions in google sheet to assemble the url to the next form, that includes the hidden fields for all the name/value pairs of data you want to pass to the subsequent form



  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • Answer
  • April 7, 2021


i have included some screen shots below to walk through some of the logic in the Google Sheet. some initial notes:

  • always create a second tab so that you are not ‘messing around’ with the data on the tab where Typeform places the data/results - i call mine reporting
  • read up on the arrayformula() function - this helps to copy the data from the first to the second tab automatically without having to worry about copying commands down the columns

here’s a shot of the Google sheet tab in the cell where i add the email, firstname and last name values to the end of the url string that i want to use: this passes the values as hidden fields to a typeform that is expecting them

if you click on the image to enlarge it, you will see that the formula in in the url_string field has the details on the base url as well as the components to add the hidden fields

here is the syntax:

=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ISBLANK(A2:A)," ",""&G2:G&"&firstname="&H2:H&"&lastname="&I2:I))

what i show in the syntax just above is not what you see in the image, as i wanted to provide you something you could copy and play with. 

next: I use an add-in for Google Sheets called Document Studio which allows me to do things with reports (merge data from typeform into a google doc/slide and convert to pdf for mailing) and to send email out. I created an email - very simple - to mail to the email address in the google sheet that has the url string in the body of the email  - and made sure i did NOT have the include merge document option selected 


and then when it sends the mail, this is what i received

that sends me to the typeform with the hidden fields appended (i blocked the email address in the photo as i realized it was an actual address of mine lol) 


How you want to use the capabilities of the google sheets and simple functions, is really up to your creativity and what you find by searching Mr Google for examples of what you want to do .. 


i hope this helps a little 


