@Laura Viale - welcome to the community
this is from a user here..
i would recommend you set up the quiz in 3 question groups, with each grouping of your questions in a group. I would also set up a subtotal variable in the Advanced Logic area to capture the scores for each question into the subtotal.
this would allow you to have the 3 subtotals, and then you can add all these subtotals together to create the total score.
This is how I'd go about it:
Start by going to the Advanced logic area:
- creating some variables: like qgroup1_subtotal, qgroup2_subtotal, qgroup3_subtotal
- in Branching and Calculations,
- set up the logic rules at the end of each question to add the appropriate points to the group subtotal.
- at the end of the question groups you can add the three subtotals to your total score (score variable)
- figure out the pathing to appropriate ending pages based on the scores ie if total score is less than 12 jump to ending 1, something like that
at least that is the simple version of the starting point logic lol
good luck
Edited: combined two responses to showcase the full solution