Multiple Logic Conditions | Community
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Multiple Logic Conditions

I have created a form with multiple questions each with their own logic conditions that, if satisfied, will progress to another page containing a recommendation. If not, the form progresses to another page by default containing its own logic conditions, etc.

This means the respondent could end up clicking through multiple pages before they are directed to the relevant recommendation page.

Typeform has recommended I add all logic conditions in a single question to avoid multiple click throughs. But when I try to do this it adds the logic in odd places and doesn’t follow the natural sequence currently accommodated by using multiple questions to house the logic.

How do I insert all logic conditions (4 sets) in a single question so they don’t lose their direct connection with relevant recommendation pages? 

4 replies

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  • July 23, 2024

Hi @raymacoz Do you mind sharing a few screenshots of a video of what you already have setup? Thanks in advance!

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  • July 23, 2024

Hi @Liz I have attached a screenshot of the logic map for affected questions (S8.2 - S8.5) and the linked recommendation pages (S4 - S7). Also attached is a video of the logic conditions for S8.2. S8.3 - S8.5 have similar logic conditions embedded.

Problem is that respondent has to click through each of S8.2 - S8.4 to get to the correct linked recommendation page.

According to Typeform “Currently, it's not possible to reorder or move logic rules unless you completely remove them and add them back in your intended order. However, in some cases logic may reorder itself to prevent potential issues.” I’ll try removing them and then adding them all back under a single question (S8.2) to see if that works.

But if you have any other suggestions, I’d be very grateful



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  • 5257 replies
  • July 24, 2024

@raymacoz - one thing that typeform logic rules ‘do’ is organize or group the logic rules based on a couple of ‘scenarios’ - they will take all the “setting value” rules and shunt them up in the list above all the “routing” rules. 

trust me i know the frustration on that when dealing with sets of logic rules that have 100-120 rules for ‘setting values’ and the same for routing. if i go to add a a ‘set value’ rule at the end of the routing rules, it will automatically fly all the way up the list and i have to go searching for it in the list. coming from a long-time-ago programming background, i would prefer clustering things together rather than separating them like that but it does actually make some sense. 

your video shows only the one question’s logic rules.. if you can show the logic for s8.1 as well as for the other questions in the series.. that will help to determine what to do in the logic.. 



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  • 4 replies
  • July 24, 2024

@john.desborough S8.1 is just a group question header that connects to S8.2

S8.3 - 8.5 follow the same logic rules using the same variables as S8.2. That is: 

  • If variable 1 is >0 then subtract/add variable 1 from/to variable 3
  • If variable 2 is >0 add/subtract variable 2 to/from variable 3
  • If variable 3 is >0 AND variable 4 is greater than or equal to x% AND variable 4 is < or equal to y% Then go to recommendation page

The only variation is to bullet 3 above:

  • If variable 3 is >0 AND variable 4 is less than or equal to x% Then go to recommendation page

Hope that makes sense

