@kennethholden - welcome to the community from a user
so a quick question, to help me clarify: you have an Excel sheet with name and email addresses and you want to use that as the basis to send out an email to clients and provide them a link to click to get to the typeform with the link/url having the hidden fields added to it?
if that is correct, you can do the following as long as you have the ability to send email “out” of your Excel environment (with an add-in, etc) . I do this with Google Sheets and the Document Studio addin
- in Excel you have a column with the user name (and email if you want to add this as a hidden field
- you create a field/column in Excel to hold the combination of the URL string + the value inside your name (and other fields)
- you create the formula to concatenate the url string and the other fields into a clickable link, using the syntax required for the hidden fields
- you create your email that can pull the value out of the url with hidden fields from your Excel spreadsheet.
in the Google Sheets version that i am using, i have to use the following formula to autopopulate the fields down the Sheet every time an entry comes in - the purpose in showing it is the ability to bring field values from ranges into the url and generate it dynamically with each new entry.
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ISBLANK(A2:A)," ","https://changedname.typeform.com/to/typeformid#email="&G2:G&"&firstname="&H2:H&"&lastname="&I2:I))
- i’ve changed the custom url name and the typeform id (in italics above)
- the email address is pulled from a range (column G)
- the name is pulled from the range of column H
- lastname from column I
you should be able to build those in excel easily
hope that helps