I have a question that refers back to a previous multiple choice, which includes the 'other' option. I only want it to display the 'other' option. | Community
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I have a question that refers back to a previous multiple choice, which includes the 'other' option. I only want it to display the 'other' option.

  • January 10, 2022
  • 1 reply

I have a multiple choice question, which has “Multiple selection” selected and “Other” option selected.

The question is “Which of the following best describes you within property?”

The options are: Investor, Developer, Broker, “Other” (where the person can type in another option if they wish).

What I would like is to have it so that a followup question is given for each selection made.

The followup question will be “As a/an [selection], what geographical area/s do you cover? I would like this to be asked individually for each selection, as these might be different.


I currently have 4 followup questions setup

Followup 1: “As an Investor, what geographical area/s do you cover?”

Followup 2: “As a Developer, what geographical area/s do you cover?”

Followup 3: “As a Broker, what geographical area/s do you cover?”

Followup 4: “As a/an @Which of the following best describes you within property?, what geographical area/s do you cover?”

***for this example, the Other selection made is “Landlord”***

The problem I’m having is that, when Followup 4 is displayed, the question is written as “As a/an Investor, Developer, Broker & “Landlord” what geographical area/s do you cover?”


What I’m trying to make it do, is for the Followup 4 question to only say “As a Landlord, what geographical area/s do you cover?”


Maybe there’s something straight forward that I’m missing, but I can’t see it.

Hopefully the above makes sense :-)


Thank you so much if you can help!! :-)

Best answer by Liz

Hi @Jonathan12345 Welcome to the community! Are you using the recall information feature? 

If not, you’ll want to use this in Question #4 so you can pull the answer the respondent provided in the previous question. 

Though, if they’re providing more than one answer, it will recall all of this information into the next question. 

What you could do is create different variations of the same question and then only show the ones that apply based on the selections they have made. This article here can walk you through how to set up these logic jumps. 

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  • Answer
  • January 10, 2022

Hi @Jonathan12345 Welcome to the community! Are you using the recall information feature? 

If not, you’ll want to use this in Question #4 so you can pull the answer the respondent provided in the previous question. 

Though, if they’re providing more than one answer, it will recall all of this information into the next question. 

What you could do is create different variations of the same question and then only show the ones that apply based on the selections they have made. This article here can walk you through how to set up these logic jumps. 
