Create shorter typeform using logic? | Community
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Create shorter typeform using logic?

  • February 28, 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi there, 

I have a pretty long form for lead generation (which also doubles up as a lead qualifier) but I'd like to give users the option to go for a 1 minute version (short) or a 5 minute version (long) . This user data would no doubt inform future form design but it'll also encourage more completions.


I've tried to create logic if they choose the short version which bounces them into the key data I need. I've done this applying a score and then "if score is x" logic at each point to redirect to the next key question.


It's not working, so I've misunderstood the logic. 


I know there are usually many ways to skin a cat in typeform so any advice on how I can get them to jump between different questions based on the answer to the first question only would be great!


Oh and I'd rather not create a new form or new questions so I can keep the data analytics in one place. 


Thanks a million! 

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • February 28, 2022

Hi @youatyours Welcome to the community! I haven’t heard the phrase ‘skin a cat’ in a long time. :joy:

Do you mind sharing a screenshot of the logic you have set up? We can take a look to see why it’s not working. 

Gabi Amaral

Hey @youatyours! Thank you for your question! Make sure to send us a screenshot of your logic. This is the best way for us to understand what's going on in your setup! Have a nice day! 
