Logic for Unlimited Multiple Choice | Community
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Logic for Unlimited Multiple Choice

  • November 18, 2022
  • 1 reply

I’m having issues getting the logic to work for an unlimited multiple choice question. The question is to select all the services they’re interested, and the outcome would be to give them different price ranges based on their selections.


With up to 12 selections to choose from, this leads to way too many combinations, I’m stuck trying to figure out if this should be based on scores, where the more they select the higher price ranges they’ll have to choose from. Or I could focus on the most expensive services, and if / when they select that service it automatically sends them to the higher price tiers.


HOW do I do that? Have all OR statements with that one option included in all of those? So if anyone selects that service in combination with others, it sends them to the next question I want it to. 


Hope I’m making sense...help.

Endless combinations, when I really just want to focus on H & I as the expensive options. But once they start adding other service combinations with H & I, it loses the logic outcome I need it to have.

A map of what I’m talking about, from 4a of list of services, to 4 different outcomes of budget ranges to choose from.


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  • 14840 replies
  • November 21, 2022

Hi @NicePeople Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. Logic jumps are executed in the order they are placed in the form, so if respondent meets the first criteria (or the next, or the following), they will be sent to that question accordingly. 

I think in this case it would definitely be better to use an outcome quiz or score the form so you don’t have to build an endless amount of jumps. This article here can walk you through using the outcome quiz 
