I am recalling responses from a multiple select question into the next question and am wondering if there is a way to format the responses that are pulled over. By default the selected options pull over in a list separated by commas. I’d like them to pull over in a bullet list or on separate lines. Is this possible?
See example below.
Q1 - Which of the following do you like:
- A
- B
- C
- D
Current option: Q2 - Your answers to the previous question were: A,B,D. Tell us more about this. (long answer)
Desired option: Q2- Your answers to the previous question are listed below. Tell us more about this. (Long answer)
- A
- B
- D
with the example above the difference feels minimal, but in my use case I have 10+ options and each option is fairly long + several contain their own commas separated list. This means when several selected options are pulled over it’s very difficult to differentiate them.