Hi there- We have set up a relationship assessment quiz that asks 10 questions. The respondents can choose from 3 answers.
However, we want to offer 4 respondent outcome screens and emails, and the system seems to only allow for 3 possible scoring outcomes. Is it possible to have a 4th choice?
Choice a = 0 ; choice b = 1 and choice c = 2.
So the total points possible for the 10 question quiz is 20 points.
We want to show 4 possible outcomes:
0-8- In Crisis
9-13 - At Risk
14-17 Tune Up
18-20 Strong Outcome
Right now I only see the options to offer 3 outcome choices, not 4.
Is there a way to offer 4?
Also, is there a way to attach a file to be sent out to the respondent that relates to their outcome (e.g. an ‘in Crisis Detailed Explanation file with more explanation for the In Crisis respondents , an ‘At Risk Detailed Explanation file for those who got a score in the ‘at risk’ outcome category.
I see that zapier is recommended as a way to provide differentiated emails to respondents, but that there is an error message that shows when adding this integration ‘sorry we are experiencing technical difficulties’. Any news on when this could be fixed?
As a workaround, is it possible to provide a Google Drive Link in the outcome message that is active, and not just a string of text?
Please reply to admin@mariannegraffdigital.com since I am managing this for my client, DrCobb, the person on file. (Cc him too).