Because the majority of our survey respondents are American Sign Language users, all of our questions are accompanied by text in English/Spanish and videos in ASL.
We recently decided to purchase Typeform, as it allows for more answer options, the ability to leave/return to the survey, and a progress bar - all of which are not offered by VideoAsk. However, we still wish to keep VideoAsk so that our respondents can reply to open-ended questions in ASL (via video) should they wish.
To embed videos in our Typeforms, we have the option of: embedding YouTube (too many ads), Vimeo (yet another subscription), or VideoAsk. While embedding our VideoAsk videos works in theory, it means that every video (VideoAsk) in every Typeform will have an unnecessary button alongside the Typeform buttons - see screenshot below. This gets unwieldy fast.
We would like to hide our answer types (per this VideoAsk “Hidden Feature” link), however, this appears to only be possible when embedding the VideoAsk using HTML, which Typeform does not offer. Again, the only buttons we wish to display in our VideoAsk videos are the “Video response” buttons, only when offering open-ended questions.
How can we achieve this, either natively or through integrations? This is extremely important to us and we are looking for a solution as soon as possible. Thank you!