Help with Multiple Choice Answers Going to Individual Pages | Community
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Help with Multiple Choice Answers Going to Individual Pages

  • February 20, 2023
  • 6 replies


Hello Typeform Community! I'm hoping someone can assist me with a problem that I've been unable to solve using logic, branching, rules, etc.

I made a simple multiple-choice question with five possible responses and want to link each response to an individual page. However, I'm having trouble figuring out how to connect each response to a unique page based on the number of choices the user selects.

Example #1) If the user selects option B, C and E how do I use logic jumps to automatically move through each individual page that corresponds to answers B, C, E?

Example #2) If the user selects option A only, I want to only show the corresponding page for option A and ignore the other four answers and then move to the next section.

I read the article “logic jumps for more than one multiple choice answer” and it looks like what Im wanting to do is very possible, I'm just not fully understanding how to configure the branching and calculations.


Here’s a link to the Typeform I working with

Multiple Choice to Individual Pages Test

Any feedback on this matter would be greatly appreciated.



Best answer by john.desborough

@jblaze129 - your logic rules for the first question are correct. the form will route the user to the question based on the first condition that is true. 

on q2, you need to add this logic:

  • if q1= B then go to q3 
  • if q1=c then go to q4
  • if q1 =d then go to q5 
  • if q1=e then go to q6 
  • otherwise go to the page beyond the questions 

on q3,  you need: 

  • if q1=c then go to q4
  • if q1 =d then go to q5 
  • if q1=e then go to q6 
  • otherwise go to the page beyond the questions 

etc.. remove the top for each successive question


on q6 you send them to the next page.. 


this logic sequence will route them to the selected pages as you describe.. 



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  • Community Wizard
  • 127 replies
  • February 20, 2023

This should help you:

Your graph won’t work because it won’t handle multiple answers. What is needed instead is a linear sequence with all questions, and a test after each question/page, for Typeform to determine if it has to show the next question/page, based on the reply to your first multiple choice question.

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  • February 20, 2023

Thank you jeremielp for your quick response. Your suggestion of a “linear sequence with a test after each question” makes total sense, but I still dont understand how to configure a test like that using rules and branch flows.

I've read the link you sent me several times (thank you). Based on what you and the article is saying, I need to apply logic (or rules) at the end of each individual page so that TypeForm can determine whether or not to display the next question/page based on the first multiple choice question. However, I'm still not sure which logic (or rules) to use at the end so a "test" is performed after each question.

Does it have to do with one of these options?

Is equal to

Is not equal to

Begins with

Does not begin with


Does not contain



Any chance you could give me the logic/rule to apply at the end of a question/page? Once I see what to apply, I’ll add that to the other four pages.

I apologize, I'm not trying to be a total newbie, I’m just not grasping the logic


Kind regards,

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • Answer
  • February 21, 2023

@jblaze129 - your logic rules for the first question are correct. the form will route the user to the question based on the first condition that is true. 

on q2, you need to add this logic:

  • if q1= B then go to q3 
  • if q1=c then go to q4
  • if q1 =d then go to q5 
  • if q1=e then go to q6 
  • otherwise go to the page beyond the questions 

on q3,  you need: 

  • if q1=c then go to q4
  • if q1 =d then go to q5 
  • if q1=e then go to q6 
  • otherwise go to the page beyond the questions 

etc.. remove the top for each successive question


on q6 you send them to the next page.. 


this logic sequence will route them to the selected pages as you describe.. 



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  • February 21, 2023

Hi John, thank you so much for the quick and detailed response! I followed your instructions and was able to make the Typeform work as intended. I would have never figured that out that logic sequence without your help.

Thanks again!

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • February 21, 2023

@jblaze129 - glad it helped.. 

pay it forward by buying someone a coffee at your local haunt (or a suspended coffee if the establishment will do that… )



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  • February 21, 2023

Great idea, will do!
