Hello Typeform Community! I'm hoping someone can assist me with a problem that I've been unable to solve using logic, branching, rules, etc.
I made a simple multiple-choice question with five possible responses and want to link each response to an individual page. However, I'm having trouble figuring out how to connect each response to a unique page based on the number of choices the user selects.
Example #1) If the user selects option B, C and E how do I use logic jumps to automatically move through each individual page that corresponds to answers B, C, E?
Example #2) If the user selects option A only, I want to only show the corresponding page for option A and ignore the other four answers and then move to the next section.
I read the article “logic jumps for more than one multiple choice answer” and it looks like what Im wanting to do is very possible, I'm just not fully understanding how to configure the branching and calculations.
Here’s a link to the Typeform I working with
Multiple Choice to Individual Pages Test

Any feedback on this matter would be greatly appreciated.