Calculating scores and multiple Thank you results | Community
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Calculating scores and multiple Thank you results

Hi there! First timer here : )

I have 3 ID questions + 9 questions with 4 answers A-D each question (all multiple choice, one answer allowed). I have 4 thank you pages A-D, respectively.

All answers are in same position for example answers A direct participants to Thank You result page A, and so on.

I’m saying Thank You result page but that’s meant to say ending page, but I can’t find the ending to add it in.

I’m lost as to how I’m supposed to score them so the right result matches most of participant’s choices.

Note: I could add a double score (or weight) to one of the questions as it is a key one to identify the recommended result. This could prevent a tie I n their choices.


Best answer by john.desborough

The logic branching and calculations would be, at least in one scenario: if q1 = A AND if q2 = A and if Q3 = A and if q4 = A…. and if q9 = A then go to thank you page A.  That would seem to be one logic rule. create the IF ALL Qn = B rule jump to thank you page B … … etc.  That would give you for ‘straight path’ logic rules to be created 


yeah it seems like a lot of factoring and creating the logic rules but once done, it works. That’s the assigning of point scores in the multiple choice scenario and adding them to a variable like v_atarget, or v_btarget, etc. would allow you to add one point to the four variables (v_a/b/c/d target) and then you could do a logic jump rule like” if v_atarget is greater than or equal to 5, jump to thank you A page (since no other page choice could have collected more than 4 individual choices - 5+4 = 9 question answers), a second logic rule that says “if v_btarget is greater than or equal to 5 then jump to thank you B… 


the other evals you would have to make is if any two variables are equal to 4  ie if v_atarget is equal to 4 and v_btarget is equal to 4,  or v_a = 4 and v_c = 4  or v_a = 4 and v_d = 4 then go to tie-breaker question, then go to appropriate thank  you page


you would have to do the same for any ties at 3  (a=3 and b=3 and c=3, OR a.b.d = 3 OR b,c,d = 3) then go to tie breaker. if only one score is at 3 and all the rest are less than or equal to 2, then you have an easy winner. 

i don’t think you have that many combinations for which you have to write rules to get to your endings.. that may be the glass of scotch talking at the moment (11 pm on a Friday night) 


but that seems to be the logic to test and path.. 



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  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 679 replies
  • March 19, 2021

Hello Gabi. Welcome to the Typeform Community :hugging:


In order to create this, you’ll need your Calculator to store all your respondents’ A, B, C, and D answers separately. That way, you can track them separately as well. How?

For each question, set up the calculator function so that:

  • It adds +1 each time an “A” answer has been chosen
  • It adds +10 each time a “B” answer has been chosen
  • It adds +100 each time a “C” answer has been chosen
  • It adds +1000 each time a “D” answer has been chosen

The “Units” keep track of A answers, “Tens” keep track of B answers, “Hundreds” keep track of C Answers, and “Thousands” keep track of D answers. In other words, imagine, that the final score will be a 4 digit number. You can tell how many times A, B, C and D were selected just by taking a glimpse at the total score.


Here is the help center article with all the details related to that. Hope this helps! :) 

Thank you Mariana for your help.

I did exactly that, but what do I have to do to program the thank you screens with the units, tens, hundreds, and thousands? All the answers are going to Thank you screen A.

I did that using that same article. What I can’t understand is where/how do I add the final score to direct answers to the correct Thank You screen.

Much Love,


Also - here’s a link to the quiz


  • Tastemaker
  • 320 replies
  • March 19, 2021

Hi @theseasonsofyou ,

In order to redirect to a different Thank You page, you’ll need to add the Score function to the page before you redirect them to the appropriate page. 

In this example, I added the Score function to Question 11 and depending on their score, they went to 1 of 3 Movie Title pages. 

Is this helpful? 

Let me know if you have specific questions on how to do the Score logic. That was fun to figure out :)

In my quiz, I have the 9 questions (4 answers each) then a page for first name, a page for email, and a legal page to accept - then they get the 1 of 4 results (thank you screens).

I added the score like @Mariana suggested to each of the answers (all answers A = 1; B = 10; C = 100; and D = 1000). 

Now what do I have to do to link the score to the correct page?

There are MANY probable results  -- 9 Qs x 4 As = 36 x 4 thank you screens = 144 possibilities AT MINIMUM

Do I need to add all the 144 possible scores and link them to the respective thank you page in the legal page, which is the one just before the quiz results?

And if yes, do I do the above using calculator? - if you send me a screenshot, please send me the entire screen so I can locate the info.

Thank you!!!

I need to launch this quiz tomorrow and I’ve been trying to figure this out for the last 3 days!
So frustrating...


  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5264 replies
  • March 19, 2021

@theseasonsofyou - from another user.. 

who is struggling to clarify the logic - are you saying that each of the 9 questions responses are independent of each other ie Q1-A does not go to the same ending page as Q2-A or Q3-A … 

if your quiz is to geared to look at “does the user select the A response more than others, then route them to the one A ending page, then if i answer 5 questions with A, 2 with B and one with C and one with D, i assume you would want me to get to the A ending page?? 

if this is correct then you can find a detailed example of how this scoring system that @Mariana has described at this link

if you want to use the approach that @vickioneill outlines, then you would add the ‘points’ you want to assign to each response (ie 1 through 4 associated with answers A - D) and add the value of that response to the score variable and after the last of the questions, evaluate the total score and route them to the appropriate ending page ie the lowest score possible is 9 x 1 for all A’s, and the highest would be 9 x 4 =36 for all D’s … so something like if score is Less Than 15 go to ending A, from 16 to 22 go to ending B, from 23-28 go to C, over 28 go to ending D…. 


a quick sketch of your logic flow either on a screen shot of a napkin drawing or the flow in a powerpoint image would help to understand how you are trying to address this. 


hope this can help you 



Hi @john.desborough  - I truly appreciate the help. I sent this to someone from Typeform support and wanted to share here.

Using the score logic of answers A = 1; B = 10; C = 100; D = 1000, I can get hundreds of possible final scores.
To list a few: 0009, 0018, 0117, 1231, 8001, 2402, and so forth - including ties like 3303 (god help me!)

The ties, I have to redirect them to a tie-breaker question. That’s solved because then I just link that single answer to the results/thank you screen. Done.
If I think about the lower score per thank you screen/result it would look like:
XXX0, XX0X, X0XX, 0XXX or XXX1, XX1X, X1XX, 1XXX if they do answer at least one of each result.
If I think about the higher score per thank you screen/result it would look like:
0009, 0090, 0900, 9000
And in between all of this, there are hundreds of score possibilities, for example:
Thank you screen A: 0009, 0018, 0117, 1116, 0027, 0126, 1125, etc 
So it's really hard to understand the value of the score. The only possible scenario is for me to add ALL the possible "equal to score value" for each of the four Thank you screens.
HELP?! lol

  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5264 replies
  • March 19, 2021

I understand the approach they are doing using that type of personality quiz scenario in order to get into a lead funnel and bucket the respondents. 

here is a live version of one of my assessments (it will be launched officially on Monday so no worries about completing it with data) BUT I suggest taking the time to walk through this one to see a different way of collecting scores (i don’t use the personality funnel scoring method) - it is a data governance maturity assessment and will walk you through 3 question groups then based on the total responses you provide it will stream you to one of four summary pages. from each of those summary pages you will go to an email opt in for the report - in this case add in the report request and you will get back a customized report on your responses with comparatives to the industry you selected and the overall population. that is done outside of Typeform in a google sheet but it might be an add-on for what you are trying to do .. 

this might give you an idea of how to achieve what you are doing. 



This could be so much simpler as linking the thank you screens to each of them, then a calculator would point to the most voted, and if it’s a tie between 2 or more, I’d add a tie breaker question and boom - the final answer would direct you to the result/thank you screen.

I can’t wrap my head around NOT having this BASIC option: answers A = 1 point to Thank you Screen A, answers B = 1 point to Thank you Screen B, and so on.


I’ve wasted so much time trying to figure out this complex tool ….

  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5264 replies
  • March 19, 2021

it’s not that complex a tool - it is actually a simple tool that we try to make to complex things.. the simpler we can make our thinking the easier it is.. 

here’s a quick view of the logic i used to add the scores along your basic approach - first for a question to gather the logic

simple scoring add to value (q1score is the summary score/subtotal for that question group


and the image below shows how i evaluate the overall score (the average scores of each of hte subgroups) and based on the score send the user to one of the 4 results pages.. i could have as easily routed them to a thank you ending but mine is set up to split to two ending screens based on email opt in or not. 




like Descartes said in his Metaphysical Meditations, a pieces of wax can be warmed and molded into almost anything but it is not the real thing, it is only a collection of ideas that we project onto the wax. if you think of how we break down the over all logical path into smaller and smaller components, they become simpler to implement in the tool, even if we start with something extremely complex. 


just my end of week philosophical soapbox, to go along with some other ideas on how to make your solution real.. 


enjoy the weekend



Hi @john.desborough you’re awesome! I love your philosophical soapbox :joy:

I totally get what you did up there, even though my Typeform UI doesn’t look like that - I can’t see “branching and calculations”. In fact, my UI looks very different from all the videos I’ve watched here.

I’ve thought about it and this logic also doesn’t work… As you saw when completing the test, all questions I have are multiple choice, except for the identification ones that don't count.


I’m bending my mind over to see this in a different way, but I truly am not able to. I cannot change the questions, which work so well on pen and paper. 


Since the feature to link a sequence of same answers (all As, all Bs, etc) to a thank you page doesn't exist, I cannot see a way out of this.


I wish the personality quiz template was a bit more helpful then a very simple 2 questions with 2 answers each and 3 result options (a, b, tie)…  

I’m usually really practical with this kind of task, but honestly I’m sad for not being able to make this work.

Hi @vickioneill  - how do you add score function to map the answers like you did? I can’t find it

Hi all - I was playing with the scores following the 1, 10, 100, 1000 strategy and this is what I came up with. I believe there are more possibilities but this is what I was able to illustrate what I explained above.


@Mariana could you ask someone from Typeform (if not you) to help me with this case, please?


  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5264 replies
  • Answer
  • March 20, 2021

The logic branching and calculations would be, at least in one scenario: if q1 = A AND if q2 = A and if Q3 = A and if q4 = A…. and if q9 = A then go to thank you page A.  That would seem to be one logic rule. create the IF ALL Qn = B rule jump to thank you page B … … etc.  That would give you for ‘straight path’ logic rules to be created 


yeah it seems like a lot of factoring and creating the logic rules but once done, it works. That’s the assigning of point scores in the multiple choice scenario and adding them to a variable like v_atarget, or v_btarget, etc. would allow you to add one point to the four variables (v_a/b/c/d target) and then you could do a logic jump rule like” if v_atarget is greater than or equal to 5, jump to thank you A page (since no other page choice could have collected more than 4 individual choices - 5+4 = 9 question answers), a second logic rule that says “if v_btarget is greater than or equal to 5 then jump to thank you B… 


the other evals you would have to make is if any two variables are equal to 4  ie if v_atarget is equal to 4 and v_btarget is equal to 4,  or v_a = 4 and v_c = 4  or v_a = 4 and v_d = 4 then go to tie-breaker question, then go to appropriate thank  you page


you would have to do the same for any ties at 3  (a=3 and b=3 and c=3, OR a.b.d = 3 OR b,c,d = 3) then go to tie breaker. if only one score is at 3 and all the rest are less than or equal to 2, then you have an easy winner. 

i don’t think you have that many combinations for which you have to write rules to get to your endings.. that may be the glass of scotch talking at the moment (11 pm on a Friday night) 


but that seems to be the logic to test and path.. 



  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5264 replies
  • March 20, 2021
theseasonsofyou wrote:

Hi all - I was playing with the scores following the 1, 10, 100, 1000 strategy and this is what I came up with. I believe there are more possibilities but this is what I was able to illustrate what I explained above.


@Mariana could you ask someone from Typeform (if not you) to help me with this case, please?


we cross posted but the thinking is the same ! well done



Yeah, this is what I was thinking, but this builder I have doesn't allow me to do that...that’s why I was frustrated. LOL

Thanks for your patience and time helping me out!

Much love!

