This is my first time using typeform and I am wondering a few things. The response limits, is it per acc or per form limit?
Besides that, I had read an article on downgrading/cancelling a subscription plan, which will take effect on the next billing. But, what if I suddenly realized that the subscription I originally chose is insufficient and I urgently need to upgrade the response limits. If I were to upgrade it, will the upgrade be applicable right away, or only on the next billing? In such cases, what would be advised?
Best answer by Liz
Hi @FatinNajihah Welcome to Typeform! So glad you’re here and giving it a try. Great questions.
The response limit is per account, so regardless of how many forms you have, the response limit covers all of the forms.
If you do find you’re running low on responses, you can upgrade your plan or you can also purchase additional responses and keep your current plan (in case you only think you’ll need the extra responses one-time).
I hope this helps! Let me know if you think of any other questions or need some help getting started.
Hi @FatinNajihah Welcome to Typeform! So glad you’re here and giving it a try. Great questions.
The response limit is per account, so regardless of how many forms you have, the response limit covers all of the forms.
If you do find you’re running low on responses, you can upgrade your plan or you can also purchase additional responses and keep your current plan (in case you only think you’ll need the extra responses one-time).
I hope this helps! Let me know if you think of any other questions or need some help getting started.