Actual day, day of week and time | Community
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One way to make forms more interactive would be to have hidden date and time fields, which by default contain the current day and time. This way, it is not necessary to pass them as parameters in the URL

And if we could have the day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) that would be better, because we could personalize the conversation:
> Hi, Pedro, it's already Friday, what a great day
> Welcome Luis, it's great to start the week by requesting a moving service
> Hi Maria, although it's already late (it's 11 at night) we are going to complete your order

It wouldn't increase the cost of storage in the database if they can be selected or deselected, and it would give a lot of play to the forms.


Una manera de hacer más interactivos los formularios sería contar con campos ocultos de tipo fecha y hora, que por defecto contengan el día y hora actual. Así no es necesario pasarlos como parámetros en la URL

Y si se pudiera tener el día de la semana (lunes, martes, etc..) mejor, porque podríamos personalizar la conversación:
> Hola, Pedro, ya estamos a viernes, qué gran día
> Bienvenido Luis, es genial empezar la semana solicitando un servicio de mudanzas
> Hola María, aunque ya es tarde (son las 11 de la noche) vamos a completar tu pedido

No aumentaría el coste de almacenamiento en la BBDD si se pueden seleccionar o deseleccionar, y daría mucho juego a los formularios.

Un saludo

Hi ​@Mudinmar That’s a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing this. I’ll add this to our feature request board, and let us know if you have any others!
