After testing End Screens with Redirect Url, and Welcome Screen with image, layout, and recall Information, it appears that they are not reference in the form JSON payload if we make a GET request.

For this form using a “Redirect To Url” end screen, the extract of the payload is the following :
- No “welcome_screens” object array for the welcome screen
- 1 record different than the usual DefaultTyScreen, but no “redirect_url” property on the url to redirect the user to.
The Create API include documentation of the welcome_screens & thankyou_screens Array, but those fields are not in the payload.
Any help from the support Team will be greatly appreciated
Best regards
"button_text":"Create a typeform"
"title":"Thanks for completing this typeform\nNow *create your own* — it's free, easy, & beautiful",
"button_text":"Create a *typeform*"