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embed form in external domain - how to track

I need to place a Typeform form on a website domain. Currently, this site has its own form, but I want to replace it with one from Typeform.  we use Google Tag Manager to track when someone submits a form and goes to the thank-you page. My question is: when using a Typeform form, which is hosted on a different domain, will Google Tag Manager still be able to track the submissions correctly? This is important because the form will now reside on an external domain, How does this work anyone help?

2 replies

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Hi @Machinery H welcome to the community!

You should be able to use Google Tag Manager with your typeform embed, we have a Help Center article here that can help with getting everything setup. 

Feel free to come back here with more questions, I know there are a few folks in the community using GTM and I’m sure they’d be happy to advise! 

I want to put the form in squarespace website you can the silosanctuary, But my question is how i can embed in it on contact us page. Is it possible on squarespace?
