Embed Welcome Screen Transparency | Community
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@Liz unfortunately it does not help. The “welcome screen” is ok. But I think I know whats wrong.

I set the background transparency for 100% because I want my contact page look like this:
https://hoffmann.productions/bewerbungsformular/ (mobile version)

So I only have to find out how I can set my form that the welcome screen background transparency is 100% and as soon as the form starts the pop up has white background. 

Hi @TimWinkler I’ve moved your question to a new topic since this seems to be a different issue. 

I don’t believe it is possible to have the welcome screen totally transparent, but @mathio can confirm this for me!

Hello, transparent background is available for standard / widget embed types. You can set background transparency on share page:

Or you can set the opacity option if you are using embed SDK directly.

Hello @mathio 
thanks for your reply. 
I already did that. But then I got this problem:

I need my form looks like this on mobile:

Welcome screen: 100% transparent
form: Pop up with white background

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Github.


If you embed as “standard” and specify background transparency to 100% you will get the same behavior as the page you linked to. On desktop your form will be inline in page, on mobile it will open in popup (without transparency).

@mathio that doesnt work. 

Desktop version is ok. But mobile:

Welcome screen: Transparent

Form screen: Pop with transparent background. 



Which device and browser can you see this in? I tested in Chrome (mobile view via dev tools) and the popup background is white as expected.

@mathio Its apple iPhone and Safari. In my devtools in chrome it also has a transparent background.


Are you talking about the page you linked to? https://hoffmann.productions/bewerbungsformular/

It works for me just fine. I see you are logged into WP admin, maybe thats causing the issue?

I just want it like the linked page.


But on my page there is also the problem when I am not logged in (eg. iPhone) and google drive link:

Can you please share URL to your page? You most likely have some conflicting CSS there.


Here it is:



I think this might be a bug, thanks for reporting. We will have a look and let you know.

@mathio ok, fine :)

Hi team, When I’ve embed a form using the standard feature with background set to transparent, the first page is transparent whilst the remaining pages are white.  Any clues?

Hello ​@LozCol 

Can you please share URL of your page with embedded form or the embed code?

