Hi there - this topic has come up a few times, but I’m still struggling to resolve it.
I have a typeform embedded on my website, on a certain page and also as a slide in (yachtwarriors.com)
I have the Google Tag Manager integration set up
I attempted to address the cookie issue with the GA4 configuration
I have GA4 events set up to fire for TypeformSubmit and TypeformFirstInteraction
These tags do not fire in GTM preview mode
Inconsistently, but not always, these events/conversions show up in GA4, so perhaps it’s dependent on a user’s browser (cookie issue still?)
Is there a better guide or resource out there? I promise I’ve read all the threads
Appreciate the help.
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Hi @yacthwarriors Happy little Friday! I took a look at the form on your website, and I can see the events firing:
If they aren’t appearing in Google, I would suggest reaching out to their support team to see why they aren’t appearing in your account.
Hey @yacthwarriors hope you’re doing well, let us know if Liz’s message helped or if there’s anything else we can look into for you
Hi @Grace @liz
Same problem here. It is not about the measurability on a single typeform, it is the problem with GTM integrated on a EMBEDDED typeform on a website. When the typeform is EMBEDDED, all GTM measurability is gone.
Is a fix for this coming soon, or what are the plans to resolve the issues with this specific problem?
Hi @Liz and @Grace - we have the same issue with the “Risk Quiz” link on our webpage https://www.molemap.net.au/ . I am using this trigger in GTM
In GTM Preview this seems to fire the tag as expected, however the tag does not come through in GA4 Debug view. Other custom events on the same page work fine. If I use a different trigger to fire the same tag, it comes through in GA4 fine, so its definitely something to do with this trigger. The Typeform is embedded. Strangely it must work sometimes because when I compare my Type form numbers for 5th of Jan (103 submissions) then 10 of those show up in GA4 for that date...
Hi @JohanMM do you mind sharing the URL where you have the form? It’s possible with Google’s new ad blocker setting that respondents are disabling the GTM functions, but I can at least see if it’s setup correctly once I have the URL.
@Liz - Thank you for your reply; native Type form URL is included below. All the other GTM tracking seems to work fine on the main website so not sure Google Add blockers are the issue, unless that issue is specific to Typeform.
Huh, I took a look at the quiz, @JohanMM , but I’m not seeing the GTM events firing either. Do you mind sending a screenshot of how you have GTM setup in the typeform?
It may also be worth reaching out to our technical team here (and you can reference this post), as they can log in directly to your account to help.
Hi @Liz, I already integrate GTM with GA and I want to track submitted form in an embedded Typeform. The tag already triggered and method gtag.event also triggered too but why the hit sent tab is empty? It supposed to be hitting GA to track the event
Trigger inside embedded Typeform
On the same web app outside the embedded TypeForm I’m submitting another form and the GTM succeeded to trigger the event and event sent to GA like this
Trigger outside embedded Typeform
@picsoung or @mathio do either of you happen to know about the above?