ErrTokenInvalid during access token exchange request | Community
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I am sadly struggling to get past the initial steps of Oauth2 and cannot find any documentation about this error.

  1. Authenticating using my personal token works like a charm
  2. Getting an application’s temporary token works fine 
  3. Getting an application’s refresh token fails


Here are the steps followed:

  1. call********&redirect_uri=********&scope=offline+forms:read manually in a browser
  2. grant access by clicking “Accept”, 


  3. Copy the code from the URL following the redirection

  4. Request a token using the code from step 3 but fails:


If I repeat the same steps above and remove the offline scope it works fine.

What am I doing wrong … ?

Hi @davidb huh, that’s interesting. Just to make sure I’m reading this right, if you remove the offline scope, you are able to receive a refresh token?

@mathio do you happen to know anything about this? 

Sorry I dont have much experience with OAuth, but maybe @picsoung might.

Hi @davidb huh, that’s interesting. Just to make sure I’m reading this right, if you remove the offline scope, you are able to receive a refresh token?

@mathio do you happen to know anything about this? 

Hi @Liz thank you for your reply.

Removing the offline scope works absolutely fine in giving me a temporary code (as expected), but I am trying to automate my connection to the API and therefore need a refresh token approach.

My understanding from the documentation is that you have to:

  1. initially grant the application access manually through the browser using the offline scope
  2. hit (grant_type=authorization_code) to get a refresh_token once
  3. subsequently hit again (grant_type=refresh_token) from my scripts every time I need a new token (and therefore remove the manual operations)

If my understanding is correct, then only step 1 is working, step 2 fails with error code ErrTokenInvalid  which is not documented.

Thanks for your help


Hi @davidb I asked our tech support team about this, and they mentioned that you shouldn’t need to use the offline scope to get this to work. Is there any particular reason you’re hoping to use this scope? 

@Liz Hi there, I’m struggling with the same issue, I can’t get a Refresh token when I add the ‘Offline’ scope. Getting the following “Forbidden: this kind of access tokens cannot have refresh tokens”.

Hi @Guyf Thanks for stopping by! Could you share the call you’re making? 

@Guyf If you want to refresh a token, you first need to have the offline scope enabled on the initial oauth flow.

@Liz @picsoung I’m calling the oauth call first:
Then I get the code back and pass it to the token endpoint: with the client_id, client_secret, grant_type = authorization_code, redirect_uri same as the request, and code I got from the response.

The response I get :


"code": "bad_request",

"description": "Bad Request: bad request: {\"code\":\"FORBIDDEN\",\"description\":\"Forbidden: this kind of access tokens cannot have refresh tokens\"}\n",

"help": ""



Did anyone figure this out? I’m having the exact same issue, and can’t find any documentation to help me.

Hi @JHicks Do you have the offline scope enabled? 

I do, my code looks like:

const SCOPE = ["offline", "responses:read", "workspaces:read", "forms:read"];

export const Typeform = OAuthWeb(
getAuthUrl: async () => {
return (
`${encodeURIComponent(CLIENT_ID)}` +
`&redirect_uri=${REDIRECT_URI}` +

getAccessToken: async (authCode: string) => {
const urlencoded = new URLSearchParams();
urlencoded.append("grant_type", "authorization_code");
urlencoded.append("code", authCode);
urlencoded.append("client_id", CLIENT_ID);
urlencoded.append("client_secret", CLIENT_SECRET);
urlencoded.append("redirect_uri", REDIRECT_URI);

// I get the error here
const req = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
body: urlencoded.toString(),


const { access_token, refresh_token } = await req.json();

return { accessToken: access_token, refreshToken: refresh_token };

When I remove “offline”, it works (But i don’t get a refresh token). Same as the OP. The typeform oauth dev app I created has the 7 day expiry rule, so thats not the issue.

Weirdly enough, if I create a new oauth dev app with the exact same settings and use that app for the `client_id` and `client_secret` everything also works perfectly. Switching to the new app isn’t ideal, but I figure it could be an acceptable solution for other devs

Hello everyone!

I’m a Typeform engineer, and first sorry for the confusions in the docs, and second, let me try to bring you some clarity here.

@davidb I’m not exactly sure what could be the problem in your case, but assuming that the values that you provide to the endpoints are correct, I suspect that the problem in your case might be that the Authorization Code just expires. It is very short-living, and if the time between steps 2 and 4 is long enough, it’s already not there, and hence you get an error. I’d suggest to try to reduce that delay, and if you still have problems, please reach our to our Support Team so we can look into your case more specifically.

@JHicks for you, I think, the problem is different. In your case you’re trying to get a refresh token, but you have your app configured for the usage of “unlimited” tokens. That is a legacy and not recommended feature, and it conflicts with the refresh mechanism. This is why you’re getting the Forbidden: this kind of access tokens cannot have refresh tokens error. A solution for this case would be to go to your app settings and configure it to use one-week expiration for tokens (see screenshot). Afterwards, you should be able to get the refresh tokens using the offline scope.

Hope this helps!

Also, thank you for your feedback, we’ll try to improve our error messages and documentation about them!



@denys-tf I appreciate your response.

I don’t believe this is the issue, as the breaking oauth app is set for 1 week expiration. The second oauth app I created to test with the exact same settings did work however.

That’s a strange case @JHicks!
We only have that error message for such cases.
Could you please either contact our Customer Support or send me the client ID of your application in a direct message, so I could check if everything is okay with the app.

@JHicks were you able to contact our support team? Let us know if you still need help!

I have a slightly different problem. I’m creating an API connection between my Bubble App and Typeform, and although I get sent to the authentification screen in the subsequent steps something seems to go wrong. 

In the raw data I can clearly see the token, but somehow this is also missing? What I’ve tried so far:

  • Adding / removing offline as scope
  • Alternating whether the token is returned in a query string
  • The token settings for this app are set to 7-days expiry 

I’m not a proper dev so hope somebody can help me out :) 


API Connector error: the Oauth2 API Typeform OAuth2 is not configured properly - missing access_token getting data Oauth2 (raw response {"{\"access_token\":\"************\",\"state\":\"\",\"token_type\":\"bearer\",\"expires_in\":604800}\n":""}) missing access_token getting data Oauth2 (raw response {"{\"access_token\":\"***************\",\"state\":\"\",\"token_type\":\"bearer\",\"expires_in\":604800}\n":""})

Thanks for sharing @Femke! Maybe @picsoung or @denys-tf could help here 😊

If not, I would recommend reaching out to our technical support team via this link 

@Femke Were you able to reach our tech support folks? 👀

Thanks for helping out @Liz and @Grace - I have not reached out to tech support yet, but will do so after my holidays! 

Let us know what you hear from them, @Femke , and have a great holiday!!



Is there any update on this topic? 


My call towards endpoint fails. I’m being unable to get the access token. Due to the Access_Type=Offline being part of the request body. 


Have you been able to find any solutions on regards to this topic?

Hey Kriss, 

Tech support helped me out so I would suggest you contact them as well :) 

One issue that I wasn’t aware of is that the token is returned in the body, and therefore should not be looking for in the query string. 

Hope they can help you out! 


Thanks for sharing that, @Femke !!
