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Generate a report and get the report link via an API call

  • 16 March 2021
  • 8 replies

We have succesfully automated data retrieval using webhooks, and the API.
We are now trying to embed a report into our webapp dynamically or at least get the url of the report dynamically.

Here is an example to make things clear: I type a TypeForm Survey_id into a field input and press a button. This button should do the following:

I would like to make a request through the API to generate (if none exist yet) or find the full report and return the associated URL or ID so i can embed it into my webpage.

Does such an API call exists ? Can I “hack” something similar ? Or is there a workaround ?
This feature would be really nice for developers, since the report layout is quite nice.


8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @arthur Thanks for stopping by! Apologies for my delay. It isn’t possible to generate the report via the API, but you could grab the report URL and embed it as an iFrame on your site, if that would work? 


Well, I thougt about that but the thing is, I’d still need a way to grab the report associated to the typeform through the API, as I do not want to have to do it manually for hundreds of surveys and edit each page.

Any chances to add to it to the backlog or for it to be implemented ?

It could be, just a simple field to add to the JSON response for the form retrieval API call.
And a call to generate a report for a given form would be even greater.

Just a suggestion, as I see the API documentation evolving a lot.


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @arthur ah, got it! I can share this feedback with our product team. :grinning: I’d also encourage you to post the request below for some extra visibility! 




Hello @Liz,

I’d like to know if you’ve had any feedback on this matter ?
Has it been discussed ?

It would be really great to have an API call allowing to generate the report of a survey and download it using the Survey TypeFormId.

Kind regards,

P.S: Sorry do dig this up, but it would help us a lot !

Userlevel 7
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Hi @arthur I’m afraid the product team doesn’t currently have any plans to implement this, but I have shared this on their request board for future improvements. :grin:


Hello @Liz 


How are you doing ? I’m digging up again this thread because our business is growing pretty well and now one member of our staff is spending 1 to 2 hour by day to generate manually the report.


Has the product team given any feedback about this topic ? 


Kind regards.




Is it possible to generate the report of responses with an API call. It is now critical to my application as hundreds of report must be manually generated.


I’m talking about the button in the copied screen below : 


Thanks for your replies,

Sincerely, Arthur.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @arthur Lovely to see you here again! I’ve moved your post to the original post here to keep the conversation in one thread. 

I’m afraid we don’t have this feature still, but I’ve shared the request again with the product team. 
