Happy Scrible - Formulario de inscrição - Não cosigo acessar o formulario! | Community
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Olá, comunidade, me encontro em uma situação muito frustrante, pois estou tentando realizar uma inscrição para uma vaga de freelancer na empresa Happy Scrible, e nesse processo existem 3 etapas, na primeira executei uma mostra das habilidades, qual pede a vaga, na segunda etapa eu teria que responder um questionário, qual esse nunca aparece, somente tenho acesso a um Link que me encaminhou para este site, onde já até criei uma conta, porem não consigo entender, como preencher esse formulário que não encontro em lugar algum, tão pouco aparece onde supostamente deveria aparecer.
Por favor, alguém que me entenda me ajude! 

Google translate:

Hello, community, I find myself in a very frustrating situation, as I am trying to apply for a freelance position at the company Happy Scrible, and in this process there are 3 stages, in the first I performed a skills demonstration, which asks for the vacancy, in the second stage I would have to answer a questionnaire, which never appears, I only have access to a Link that sent me to this website, where I have even created an account, but I can't understand how to fill out this form which I can't find anywhere, so little appears where it is supposed to appear.Please someone who understands me help me!

Hi @arjunagion 

I don’t think this is something we can assist with here in the Typeform Community, I would recommend getting in contact with someone from Happy Scribble to ask for help with the application.

I’m not sure why the link has taken you here, perhaps they are using a typeform for their application? 

Hopefully you can reach out to someone at Happy Scribble to get this sorted, and best of luck with the application! 

Olá me chamo ******* recentemente tentei fazer meu cadastro na plataforma para entregador porém, toda vez que vou finalizar o cadastro sempre aparece uma mensagem dizendo:

Ei 🙂 Este formulário já está fechado
Teria sido fantástico, pois foi ele feito com o Typeform. O que é o Typeform?

E então tento de novo e aparece sempre a mesma mensagem será um bug no sistema?
Gostaria de auxílio para fazer o cadastro pois tanto pelo app quanto pelo site não é possível fazer o cadastro


Hello, my name is *******, I recently tried to register on the delivery platform, however, every time I finish the registration, a message always appears saying:Hey :) This form is now closedIt would have been fantastic, as it was created with Typeform. What is Typeform?And then I try again and the same message always appears. Is it a bug in the system?I would like help with registration as it is not possible to register either through the app or the website.

Hi @Jaadhy 

I’m hope you don’t mind but I’m going to reply to you in English. Which platform were you trying to register for? It sounds like they have a typeform registration form which has now closed and may need to be reactivated. I would recommend reaching out to them directly to ask about it. 

Hope that helps!
