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help needed :what the solution for this error

{"code":"RETRIEVE_FORM_INSIGHTS_METRICS","description":"Access to metrics forbidden for form \"TNatOmnO\""}

this is my form , and I  want to get result from the api 

Hi @Reem_Shamia Welcome to the community! Happy to have you here. 

Usually this error means that your account isn’t on a plan that supports this feature. What plan do you have? 


Ah, that would be it, @Reem_Shamia ! You’ll need a Business plan or higher to access some of the data. You can read more about this here

Thank you Liz, I upgraded my plan, but I need the response summary for every question , how can I get that using api ? 

Hi @Reem_Shamia After upgrading your plan, are you still receiving the same error? 

If so, @mathio do you happen to know why it would be showing that? 

Hi @Liz I am sorry but I am not familiar with APIs that much.

@Reem_Shamia Would you mind sharing the full API call you’re making? (Though, just be sure not to include your API key!)

I got the result, but I want it as it is in the summary page, ask if there is an api for that

like image below  I want the percentage for every answer  , intsead of 

"platforms": s


"average_time": 251,

"completion_rate": 62.5,

"platform": "desktop",

"responses_count": 5,

"total_visits": 9,

"unique_visits": 8



"average_time": 249,

"completion_rate": 94.1,

"platform": "phone",

"responses_count": 16,

"total_visits": 19,

"unique_visits": 17



"average_time": 0,

"completion_rate": 0,

"platform": "tablet",

"responses_count": 0,

"total_visits": 0,

"unique_visits": 0



"average_time": 0,

"completion_rate": 0,

"platform": "other",

"responses_count": 0,

"total_visits": 0,

"unique_visits": 0



"summary": {

"average_time": 249,

"completion_rate": 84,

"responses_count": 21,

"total_visits": 28,

"unique_visits": 25


}, and the questions in the survey



@Reem_Shamia - just a thought if you are not getting the analytics/views you want to see: push the data into Google Sheets and use the capabilities inside Google Data Studio to do the analysis and visualization. 



But I do not have the data, 

do you suggest that I take the data from the response and  loop on each person who completed the servay, collect the results,  analyze the data and send them to Google !!

Connect your form to google sheet - use the Connect function in the Builder to establish the connection and when you do, Typeform will note if you have existing responses and ask if you want them pushed to the Google Sheet. (there is a 3k row limit on what it will push though) 


that way the data would be in Google sheet and each subsequent submission to the typeform would be pushed to the Google Sheet as well


thank you ! @john.desborough 

Thanks, @john.desborough !
