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How to redirect to another URL if a hidden field is empty?

  • 10 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Je souhaite faire arriver les utilisateurs sur mon typeform par une application qui stocke les valeurs des champs cachés.

Je veux éviter qu’ils remplissent le formulaire sans être passés par cette app., dans ce cas, les champs cachés sont vides et il me manque ces infos.

Donc si mes champs cachés sont vides, j’ai besoin de rediriger l’utilisateur vers une autre URL.

Merci pour votre aide

-- Google Translation -- 


I want to bring users to my typeform through an application that stores the values ​​of hidden fields.

I want to prevent them from filling out the form without having used this app. In this case, the hidden fields are empty and I am missing this information.

So if my hidden fields are empty, I need to redirect the user to another URL.

Thanks for your help

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Pharmagest Happy Monday! Thanks for stopping by the community. The language of the community is English, so I hope you don’t mind my reply in English. 

Do you mind sharing the path to your form in a bit more detail? Is the application on your website? Or how are they exactly getting directed to your Typeform from the website? Thanks in advance!

Hi Liz,

I solved my problem by adding a check at the beginning : if the hidden field is empty, I direct the user to another question, statement type, and then to an Ending (redirecting to the URL of my app).

Thanks for your response nevertheless :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Oh perfect, thanks for sharing, @Pharmagest !
