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Hello, I read on another thread that forms which aren’t submitted are cached for 15 days in browsers storage. Is it possible to start the fresh form after browser reload? My scenario is next:

  1. User answers first question
  2. User closes the form
  3. Tomorrow he opens the form, but answer for first question is pre populated from the local storage

Is it possible to do the workaround on 3rd step? In that case whenever user opens the form, form just ignores the cache and loads the pristine form, without the pre populated answers.

Hi @amidzic89. Welcome to the Typeform Community :hugging:


If the respondents access the form from the incognito window or in a different browser, then there won't be any pre-populated answer. In all other cases, the previous responses will remain there. 


So we can better understand your use case, would you mind sharing how this would benefit you? :)

@Mariana my form is opened inside the WebView on the iOS and Android so unfortunately in my case opening the form in incognito is not possible 🤔

iOS and Android apps use Typeform to prompt the users on daily basis with the set of questions:
 - How do you feel?
 - What was your morning routine 
 - How did you sleep
Basically, set of questions which are specific to one day only.

Issue appears in my case when user opens the form, selects the answer(s) and he decides that he will skip submitting the form. Tomorrow, when he opens his form again, all the answers which he selected yesterday will be pre populated, but since this is a new day I would like to offer the clean form without the pre populated data.

Hello, unfortunately this is not possible at the moment. However we are looking into this possibility (

Hello, unfortunately this is not possible at the moment. However we are looking into this possibility (


Any update on the status of this issue? We are experiencing problems with this as well. Same basic case as noted above; we’ve got users of our web app who we tell to come back and redo a section (survey), but their previous answers populate causing a lot of confusion between what we’re telling them and what actually happens.



Hi @MCSims This isn’t a feature we currently offer, but if we have any updates, we’ll post ‘em here! :grinning:

Hi @MCSims This isn’t a feature we currently offer, but if we have any updates, we’ll post ‘em here! :grinning:

Please do, and thank you for any acceleration you might add to the timeline on it. I think it’s important not only for companies using Typeform in a continuous-type web app like we are, but also from a user privacy perspective.

Hi @MCSims I do have some good news! This feature is in the developer’s backlog, so it’s coming! The downside is I don’t have a timeframe for this since it is in the backlog, but the upside is that it’s on their radar. :grinning:

Hi @MCSims I do have some good news! This feature is in the developer’s backlog, so it’s coming! The downside is I don’t have a timeframe for this since it is in the backlog, but the upside is that it’s on their radar. :grinning:

Hello, I am experiencing this issue, what the status of this? has it been implemented?

Hi @MCSims I do have some good news! This feature is in the developer’s backlog, so it’s coming! The downside is I don’t have a timeframe for this since it is in the backlog, but the upside is that it’s on their radar. :grinning:

Hello, I am experiencing this issue, what the status of this? has it been implemented?

Hi @daniel_ As noted above, this is on their radar, but we don’t have a timeframe as to when/if it will be released. Of course, if this changes, we’ll post an update here!

Wouldn't a simple “Clear Form” option work? How hard could that be to implement? Does that already exist?

Hi @JLBeezy We don’t have this feature, but I’m happy to pass this feedback along to our product team. 
