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Phone autofill bug on mobile device



I have a very big issue an all my forms. Tested on embed forms, direct links, on many websites made by me or competitors.

I have phone field OR contact field with phone number activated. When I autofill phone field with iOS Chrome autosuggest, my phone number is filled but field color is still in grey (placeholder color) instead of black (response color). when I click on Next button or around the field to remove the focus, my phone is replaced by placeholder text.

My iOS Chrome phone suggestion is without regional prefix. Tested on french setup for the phone field. Safari is fine. 

Is anyone have same problem ? You cas test here :

Thanks for helping.

Hi @tchercheuse Thanks for stopping by the community. I just tested with the autofill on my phone, but I don’t receive the gray text box. Do you mind sharing a screenshot of what you’re seeing? Thanks in advance!


Here the screencast :

I’m on iPhone 14 Pro + iOS 17.4.1 + Chrome 124

Thanks, @tchercheuse ! Let me ask the product team about this. 



Any update on this ? Is your dev team able to reproduce the issue ?

It’s pretty urgent since some users can’t reach our client customer service this way.


Hi @tchercheuse sorry for the delayed reply on this one, our team have asked if you have any browser extensions enabled? That could be effecting the behaviour.

I would also recommend raising this with our technical support team for extra support if it’s urgent (if you haven’t already) you can create a ticket here

Tested on private navigation. And there is no plugin on mobile device.

Hi @tchercheuse I hate to ask, but do you mind trying on another device to see if it might be a device setting? Thanks again for testing this. 

Tested on 6 différent iOS devices from 3 different users (iPhone XR, iPhone 14 Pro, iPad mini 2, iPad 6, iPad Pro)

=> same issue on iOS + Chrome

Can’t find any iOS device without this issue

I’m on it with TF support...

Hi @tchercheuse That is definitely odd. In that case, I’d certainly say to keep working with support on this, as they have access to your account and can hopefully narrow down what’s the cause of the issue. 

Hello @Liz @tchercheuse 

Just found this conversation and wanted to say that we’ve had the same issue reported to us by only one of our clients. We thought it was an odd issue as we cannot replicate it ourselves, but a quick google search led me to this conversation. We have around 150-200 clients complete our Typeform daily so this is a rare one to get reported.

I was just wondering if there has been any solutions found to this issue yet?
Thank you,
