I am offering a service where freelancers and employers each fill out a survey and get matched up via email based on skillsets they have. There will be a list of 15 types of freelancing such as blogging, SEO, graphic design...etc. Each one will then have a subsection of about 4 role-specific skills. For example, a blogger needs to be good with grammar, and good with research. They will tick which skillsets they have. Right now, I am able to figure out how to use logic so that the user clicks "blogging", and it takes them to a blogging subsection, where they select their skillet info, and then they jump to to the next question. BUT the issue is that I need for users to be able to pick multiple freelancing types. So what I would like is for a user to be able to check "blogging" “graphic design" and "SEO" (since oftentimes these specialties overlap). THEN I want for the user to be presented with blogging skillsets to select from, then graphic design skillsets, then SEO skillsets, then jump to next page.
So in summation, I want someone to be able to click multiple freelance professions---THEN be asked about the specific skillsets required within said professions, then go to next question. Thank you for your help:)