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Como faço para redirecionar a URL da ultima página do typeform, vinculando a URL ao curso escolhido na questão 2. Por exemplo, respondi que o ultimo curso realizado foi o curso A, os alunos que escolherem o curso A, terão a URL direcionando para o ambiente do curso A. É possível fazer isso no typeform?

-- Google Translation --

How do I redirect the URL of the last page of the typeform, linking the URL to the course chosen in question 2. For example, I answered that the last course taken was course A, students who choose course A will have the URL directed to the course A environment. Is it possible to do this in typeform?

Hi @Impulsiona Happy Tuesday! I hope you’re having a good one. The language of the community is English, so I hope you don’t mind my reply in English. 

First, you’ll want to add the URLs you’d like to redirect to by following the process here

Next, you’ll need to use logic jumps to send the respondent to the corresponding one, depending on which answer they choose. This article here will walk you through how to set up logic jumps. 

I hope this helps, but let us know if you have any questions along the way!
