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šŸ“£ New! Create and manipulate typeforms with our new plugin for ChatGPT

  • 1 September 2023
  • 1 reply
šŸ“£ New! Create and manipulate typeforms with our new plugin for ChatGPT
Userlevel 7
Badge +5
  • Developer Advocate @ Typeform
  • 376 replies

Hello Typerform aficionados!

Have you heard about this thing called AI?Ā šŸ˜…
Seems like it has been taking the world recently. Right?Ā 

We got to play our part in this new AI wave, and today, I am excited to share our plugin for ChatGPTĀ šŸŽ‰

If you are unfamiliar with ChatGPT, itā€™s a chat interface where you interact with an LLM (large language model) developed by OpenAI. Since itsĀ launch, people have been using it for all kinds of things: asking about historical facts, helping draft an email, helping structure a school essay, or even running a business.

So why not use it to create and design typeform?Ā šŸ¤©
Install the Typeform plugin for ChatGPT, authorize your Typeform account, and chat naturally to it.


Want to create a form?

Give some context and askĀ ChatGPT for help:


ā€œI am organizing a conference, and I want to gather sponsorship interest. Could you help me create a form to collect leads from potential sponsorsā€

ā€œI am helping my local school to organize their next potluck party. I want to know what each participant will bring. Design a form to do soā€

ChatGPT would think for a bit and then suggest a structure for the form. If you like it, it will create the form for you.

You can always provide feedback to ChatGPT, and it will adapt.


ā€œRephrase the questions to be more personalā€

ā€œAdd tech puns into the questions.ā€

What about updating a form?

Thanks to the plugin, ChatGPT now has access to your Typeform account, and you can use natural language to update or modify any of your forms.

ā€œI forgot to ask users to accept our Terms and Conditions, add a question to the formā€

ā€œMake the email question requiredā€


Can I combine it withĀ other plugins?

This is the beauty of ChatGPT, it keeps the context of the conversation, and you can add up to three plugins to a conversation.

Right now, all our forms are using the same typeform defaultĀ theme. We could useĀ the Brandfetch plugin to extract brand assets and reuse those to create a theme on Typeform.

Using prompts like ā€œI work at Airbnb and need to build a customer feedback surveyā€ will trigger a sequence of plugin calls.

You can also explicitly ask the plugin to create a theme and apply it to a form.
ā€œCreate a theme inspired by summer, and apply it to the form named ā€œsummer potlockā€ā€Ā 

I hope this inspires you to explore, I am curious to read more about your experiences!


Find more details in our help center

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hey @picsoungĀ thanks for sharingĀ šŸ¤—Ā This is amazing news, canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s possible with this. That ChatGPT ā€œPlusā€ subscription is looking a whole lot more tempting...
