New Question Block! Gain More Insight through the NPS Block ✨ | Community
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Comin’ in fresh from the product team is our new NPS question block! It’s easy to set up –  all you have to do is add the block to your form to begin collecting feedback from your respondents. 



Embed an NPS question into an email


There are plenty of ways to use this block within your form and out of your form, such as with our email embed. 


Embedding your NPS form into an email is as easy as clicking a button! (No, really, that’s all you have to do).


1. First, add the NPS block to your form. Be sure to click the publish button afterwards!




2. Next, head to the Share panel to grab the code for your email. 




3. Finally, add the code in your email builder! In my video below, I’ve added this into Mailchimp, but you can connect this to any email service provider that allows HTML code. Note you can’t add this into a Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo Mail account. 


Connect an NPS question to your eCommerce tool


Want to take this a step further? Try adding it to your eCommerce platform, such as Shopify!


There are a few ways to go about adding a NPS form to your eCommerce form. One way would be to add the NPS form directly to all your customer emails within the Shopify platform, like this: 



Once you’ve gathered enough data from your respondents, the NPS field automatically calculates the score for you. Yay for doing less math! 




Send NPS data to Airtable


If you want to upgrade your results further, try connecting to one of our integrations, like Airtable, to view changes over time or compare it to other metrics in your business. 


Curious how to set up a fancy chart in Airtable? Follow the instructions in the video below. 



💡 Already using the NPS block? Let us know the creative ways you’ve added the block to your forms in the comments below! 


@Liz - thanks for walking through all this.. this is really good to know. 

and the running-total calculations will be very useful. 





Yes, agreed, @john.desborough !! You know I’m always an advocate for less math. :joy:

awww @Liz - math is .. well.. fun… 



I can't find the option how to change the scale text



@AlexReisch - normally you can change these types of ‘messages’ through the Settings Messages option but I am not seeing these for the NPS question in the available options. 

@Gabi Amaral - do you know if this might be due to the copyright issues around NPS questions (if there are any restrictions upon Typeform in terms of making this question type available) or if there are any items on the Product team’s backlog to add these ‘messages’ into the Settings area?



Hi @AlexReisch I asked our product team about this, and they said:

As NPS is something standard companies measure and compare across their market/industry, there are wording guidelines (for the question AND the labels). We did not make the copy editable as we believed this was the best way for our customers to measure their NPS without biaises. If they want a more customisable block, they can use the opinion scale - although it wont calculate their NPS.
