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Typeform is getting a glow up 💅

Typeform is getting a glow up  💅

Hey there folks! 


Exciting news: we’ve been doing some spring cleaning and we’re about to launch a new builder and workspace design to help make your typeform-building experience more intuitive! 🪄


If you’re brand new to Typeform, you will already be seeing the new-look design in your account  💁 For those of you that are old skool typeformers you should see the revamped interface appearing very soon. 


Here’s a quick look:





What’s new

You’ll notice a new-look workspace. You can still switch between list and grid view to keep track of all the typeforms you’ve created:



Once you’re in the builder, here are some changes to look out for:


There’s a new top toolbar:



This is where you’ll find the accessibility checker, mobile/desktop editor toggle, form preview and form settings. 

You’ll also see the new + Add content button which you can use to insert new questions into your form. We’ve made a few changes to the layout here to help you quickly find the right block.



We’ve moved Settings into the new toolbar. Click the gear to open the modal where you’ll find more options including adding follow-ups to your typeform



And there’s a new position for the Help icon - it’s moving to the top right corner next to the user icon. Click the ? to access the drop down list of options:



We hope you like the new design, we think this layout is going to make creating typeforms even easier! And if you need a little more help finding your way around the builder you can always check our Getting started with Typeform guide.


Let us know what you think of the glow up, and if you have any questions drop them in the comments! ⬇️


36 replies


Sure, here is a recording: 

As I described earlier, the form name is not a clickable link. When I hover the cursor over the form name, it does not underline and clicking does nothing.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Thanks, @jonasrajanto ! Let me ask the product team about this. What plan are you on and what’s your workspace role (if you have one)? 


Thanks, @jonasrajanto ! Let me ask the product team about this. What plan are you on and what’s your workspace role (if you have one)? 

Aha, that might be the issue. We are still on an old plan (Premium) since the beginning 4½ years ago.

(We were tempted to upgrade to a new plan some time ago but did not need any new features [at the time] and the new price was slightly higher.)

I have the Owner role of the workspace.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @jonasrajanto Thank you! I shared this with the product team, and they believe it’s a bug. Give me a day or so to get an idea of what this bug is! 


Hey @Liz I can confirm this was due to being on the old plan.

After realizing this might be the issue, I went over the plan options and it occurred to me we can actually downgrade to the Plus plan as it covers all our current needs.

As soon as I did that, this issue went away and I could rename the form as expected.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Oh that’s great, @jonasrajanto ! I’m glad it was a relatively easy fix. Let us know if we can help with anything else. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

So wish there was a search option for all my Typeforms. I hate having to scroll through them, looking for what I’m looking for. Always love a new look and feel. Thank you


I like the new design, but what about the possibility to introduce non-integer values (for ex 0.4) in the forms. Would be much easier to work sometimes.



Userlevel 7
Badge +5

@barriebramley we do have a search option! 

@Beres Zsolt I’ll share your request for decimals to the product team. 😀


Hello! An update. I noticed today that even though I am able to rename forms from the edit page (as in @Liz screen capture), the change does not stick. If I reload the page, the form name reverts to whatever it was previously. I even tried to Publish the page first before reloading, to no avail.

If I rename the form from the workspace view, the change sticks.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @jonasrajanto Sorry for the trouble renaming the form! Do you mind sending the form URL to our support team here so they can take a look at it? (And feel free to reference this post, too.)
