Under the Hood - A Closer Look at Our Calendly Application 🔎 🧑‍🔧 | Community
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If you’ve poked around the Typeform question options recently (or read my post!), you've probably seen that we introduced the ability to add your Calendly calendars to your forms. Big yay!


As if that isn’t exciting enough, Calendly is the first application we’ve added to Typeform, as a question type. If you’re wondering what the difference between an application and an integration is, an application is directly in the Typeform builder. Simply connect to your Calendly account and then choose to add it as a question directly in the form!


Since this is the first application of many to come, the Typeform Product team worked for months to get this ready. Lead Project Manager Raul, who led the development of the application, shared a bit in the video below about how they built this, how the product team is using the application for customer feedback, and what he really does during his workday. (Hint: it’s not leading the product team. :joy:)


To recap, here’s how you can get started using the Calendly application: 

  1. First, select the Calendly option as a question under the “Date and Scheduling” options. 




  1. Then, follow the prompts to connect to your Calendly account and choose the event you want to appear in your form. You’ll then see the calendar event appear directly within the question. 



  1. To prevent your respondents from filling in the same information multiple times, you can pass information they’ve already answered in your form to the Calendly event. 



  1. And that’s all there is to it! One important tip: Add your Calendly event into the form after all the questions you want your respondent to fill out. You’ll be sure to collect all the information you need before they schedule an event with you. 


Curious how to use Calendly in your forms? Here are some ways we’ve used it internally and how some customers have implemented it: 


  • Product feedback survey with optional one-to-one calls

  • Lead generation qualification - ask some questions before providing your calendar to ensure you’re meeting with the best leads

  • Service-based appointments - if you offer multiple different services, ask a few questions on your form so you can show the corresponding Calendly event

Are you already using the Calendly integration? Let us know how it’s working for you and the ways you’ve added it to your forms!

Learn more! You can get even more information on the Calendly integration in this Help Center article.



@Liz - thanks for pushing this out. 

the one thing that still needs to be ‘stressed’ is that you need to really make sure that you tell your users that filling out the calendly appointment does not mean that your typeform has been submitted!

I have had to do that on several forms and have adopted the approach of having the user “submit” the form and redirect to a calendly question in a second form
 just to be sure that the core data I want to record is actually submitted. 

just my tuppence after coffee number four.. 


The Calendly application is great! I'm curious what other applications are you looking to potentially add to Typeform moving forward?

It is, @Dana !! @kabir.mathur do you happen to know about any of the future applications? 

@Dana This isn’t official yet, but we’re considering building a DocuSign app to enable e-signatures within typeforms. More to come on this in 2022. 

Adding a calendar to forms is a great solution for many. Thanks for your work!

It would be even better if it could be adjusted so that the Calendly meeting is not actually scheduled until the Typeform has been submitted.

Both so that (1) the user is not confused/misled as to whether the form has been submitted, especially the less tech savvy clients, and (2) so that we could ask many more questions after the scheduling question but should those additional questions not be answered (if someone exits halfway through the form) then that meeting won’t be scheduled.

Thank you!

(P.s. can’t wait to see what other apps get directly integrated in a similar way!)

Is it possible to link multiple Calendars? I want to trigger the right calendar based on conditional questions answered during the typeform.

Hi @Admin at Aspire SG This should be possible! You’ll just need to add the Calendly question multiple times and use logic jump to show the correct one based on answers. 


Is it possible to perfil more data than just the name and email? 

Hi @jorgesegebre Not at the moment, but I can share this feedback with the product team. 

cc’ing @kabir.mathur 

Can I use different Calendly accounts for different forms? I have forms for certain reps and forms for a third party partner and I'd like to be able to feature their calendars instead of mine.

Hi @Alex Tsy Yes, it’s possible! You can read more about this workaround here: 


Hi folks, can you please help how to figure out this?

I guess as there is new privacy law in EU, there is a big consent cookie banner now that hide the ‘Schedule Event’ button below that. However, the consent banner is hidden below typeform logo, so I can’t clik Accept cookies.


So what might happen, user click on the time in the calendar but then don’t confirm that, just Submit it on the left (purple button) and he is good to go. But he doesn’t schedule the call and doesn’t know about that.

Thanks in advance!


Hi @dusan could you share the link to your form so I can test this? Thanks!

Hi @Liz



Not fully aware how it work - maybe that cookie consent is visible only in EU? (GDPR law)



Thanks, @dusan ! I did see the cookie banner popup, but I was able to close it (don’t mind how long it took me, that’s a personal problem ha!), shown here. Do you have the form embedded on your website?  

Thanks, @dusan ! I did see the cookie banner popup, but I was able to close it (don’t mind how long it took me, that’s a personal problem ha!), shown here. Do you have the form embedded on your website?  

Thanks @Liz! Appreciate that. However, your cookie banner and mine are different - I guess by the EU law. I have no ‘x’ for closing it, I need to accept or reject it and the buttons are below TF logo. I mean I can click on it but it is like 0.05 inch space around that purple Typeform logo. 


Hi @dusan Our product team let me know they are working on removing the banner (but only in the builder, as they don’t have control over it for legal reasons on the live version). Then, they are working to address a fix for the live version that will be applicable to other applications in Typeform. I don’t have a timeframe on this (so may not be soon), but I’m following the updates to post here when I have them. 
