Hello everyone!
We’ve reached October with its falling leaves and pumpkin harvests (depending on where you are in the world...) so of course it’s time for another product update! 🎃

New Gallery View
You may have noticed a new look to the way videoasks are displayed in folders. We’ve created a new gallery style overview so you can easily navigate between videoasks and see which ones have new interactions.
There’s also a search bar so you can find the videoask you need, and you can click on the 3 dots to edit, move, duplicate or share your videoask.

If you would like to learn more about viewing your videoasks and finding everything you need in your VideoAsk account, check out this handy Help Center guide for more information.
Tips & tricks
- How to add a logo to your videoask
- How to create and organize folders in VideoAsk
- How to mark interactions as read or unread
- Restrict access to your videoask with a password
Check out October’s videoask of the month featuring a VideoAsk collaboration with author Rob Fitzpatrick 📚