Are we able to find out the traffic source when people visit the forms? | Community
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Are we able to find out the traffic source when people visit the forms?

I am new to Typeform and would like to find out whether a little bit like Google Analytics or we are able to get the traffic source with Typeform when people visit a form and start completing it?

Best answer by Nordin

Hello @54Sud 

What are we tracking? 

I will explain how to capture static parameters; meaning, those will always be the same unless you manually change them before sharing the form somewhere (Facebook, Google, Instagram...) 

Let’s say you prepared typeform A to be shared in Facebook using the method that I will explain next. The data will show correctly in your Analytics if you use the steps below but if you grab that same form and share it on, without amending the UTM values, the source will still show as Facebook. 

That happens because the parameters added are static. If you want the form to pick up on the changes then they should be Dynamic and it’s a whole different conversation as it’s complex. :) 


Let’s start with the setup: 

First you need to add the Google Analytics integration to start capturing data and our custom events too (TypeformQuestionPassed and TypeformSubmit). More info in our help center article here

Note! The Google Tag Manager integration won’t work unless that tag has a Google Analytics tag inside that has been integrated with Typeform using the steps outlined in the help center article above.

Now, Let’s move on to the config:

If you are using the new builder you can go to settings and configure your UTM parameters there which will allow you to track the source of your respondents: 

Screenshot from the create panel in the new builder. 


In the Legacy (Classic or Old) builder we didn’t have this functionality so users had to use a workaround by adding those parameter after the typeform URL, so if your URL is:{formID

You need to ask what is known as a query string with the UTM parameters of your choice:{formID}?utm_source=social&utm_campaign=spring


Lastly, if your form is embedded on some website and you want to grab the tracking parameters from your URL then you need to take some other steps and this steps will also change depending on whether the page is Coded by you or if you are using a CMS. 

So this post is not too long if someone is interested I would create a new thread specifying if it’s a Custom coded site or in some CMS so we and the community can provide the best solution. 


And that’s it :) 

May the form be with you! 


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  • Typeform
  • 31 replies
  • Answer
  • December 11, 2020

Hello @54Sud 

What are we tracking? 

I will explain how to capture static parameters; meaning, those will always be the same unless you manually change them before sharing the form somewhere (Facebook, Google, Instagram...) 

Let’s say you prepared typeform A to be shared in Facebook using the method that I will explain next. The data will show correctly in your Analytics if you use the steps below but if you grab that same form and share it on, without amending the UTM values, the source will still show as Facebook. 

That happens because the parameters added are static. If you want the form to pick up on the changes then they should be Dynamic and it’s a whole different conversation as it’s complex. :) 


Let’s start with the setup: 

First you need to add the Google Analytics integration to start capturing data and our custom events too (TypeformQuestionPassed and TypeformSubmit). More info in our help center article here

Note! The Google Tag Manager integration won’t work unless that tag has a Google Analytics tag inside that has been integrated with Typeform using the steps outlined in the help center article above.

Now, Let’s move on to the config:

If you are using the new builder you can go to settings and configure your UTM parameters there which will allow you to track the source of your respondents: 

Screenshot from the create panel in the new builder. 


In the Legacy (Classic or Old) builder we didn’t have this functionality so users had to use a workaround by adding those parameter after the typeform URL, so if your URL is:{formID

You need to ask what is known as a query string with the UTM parameters of your choice:{formID}?utm_source=social&utm_campaign=spring


Lastly, if your form is embedded on some website and you want to grab the tracking parameters from your URL then you need to take some other steps and this steps will also change depending on whether the page is Coded by you or if you are using a CMS. 

So this post is not too long if someone is interested I would create a new thread specifying if it’s a Custom coded site or in some CMS so we and the community can provide the best solution. 


And that’s it :) 

May the form be with you! 


  • Author
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  • December 11, 2020

This is super useful! Thank you so much!

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • February 18, 2021

Hi Nordin,

How can we track the source if we are embedding the form in a Wordpress website? 

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  • February 18, 2021

Hi @frank-tristate ! It will depend a bit on how your Wordpress site is setup and what type of embed you’re using, but below we’ve got different guides depending on the embed. :grinning:



Let me know if those don’t work for you or if you have further questions!

  • Navigating the Land
  • 2 replies
  • March 10, 2021

I have a similar question to OP. I currently have my Typeform integrated with: Analytics, Tag Manager and HubSpot. I have activated UTM tracking on the form in question. The Tag Manager container contains an Analytics tag inside of it and I have followed all the directions in this video shared in the response from @Nordin. That video doesn’t show us how to start capturing the data and custom events mentioned (TypeformQuestionPassed and TypeformSubmit). When I go into Analytics and search for my typeform ID I can see how many people have interacted w/ my form but I can’t see how many people have submitted the form. 

Additionally, source information on my leads are not being passed into my CRM (hubspot). I want the form to be able to dynamically collect source information so I know where my leads are coming from. 

Right now I’m running adwords campaigns that I’m unable to track conversions on in either Adwords or my CRM. Any/all help would be great (particularly from folks who are familiar with HubSpot). 

@Nordin , you said:

“The data will show correctly in your Analytics if you use the steps below but if you grab that same form and share it on, without amending the UTM values, the source will still show as Facebook. 

That happens because the parameters added are static. If you want the form to pick up on the changes then they should be Dynamic and it’s a whole different conversation as it’s complex. :)”


Mind explaining or pointing me in the direction of dynamic UTM tracking? 

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  • March 11, 2021

Hi @Vlab We don’t currently pass in the UTM parameters dynamically, so you’ll need to add a bit of code to your form to get this working. We’ve got the instructions on the thread below! :) 


  • Navigating the Land
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  • June 30, 2021

Hello, I have the same sort of problem.


We aim to add a typeform on our website (hosted on shopify).

We are going to share the URL of our website, and we aim to track visitors from end to end by source.


We can add utm_source parameter in our website url, but how to measure the form completion rate by distinct utm_source ? Is it possible with a google analytics integration ?


Thanks a lot for your answer


edit: I read your answers in another topic, and it seems, we can enable the transition of utm_source from website to form, and then configure a goal on analytics. Do you have any documentation about how to configure a goal on form submission please?

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  • June 30, 2021

Hi @Coralie Great question! You’ll find a walkthrough of setting up a goal in Google Analytics here. What I would suggest is to have the goal based on the event TypeformSubmit to set the goal for. 

Let us know if you have any troubles setting that goal!

  • Explorer
  • 6 replies
  • November 15, 2021

Hello @Liz


I’m having trouble getting Typeform to pass on UTM values. We’re currently sending traffic to an embedded typeform on our site that’s a product recommendation quiz. I can see in the URL that the UTM values are present if someone visits from Facebook, Instagram, etc. until that person submits the typeform and is redirected to another page on our site. On typeform’s end, I have Google Analytics integrated and I can see the UTM values populate in there, however, it doesn’t appear that the UTM values are being passed on to Shopify (where our site is hosted) or Google Analytics. In Google Analytics, the referral source for anyone who makes it through our typeform is listed as I also have a goal setup for the typeform submit in Google Analytics that I see some results on but I’m not sure that I’m using it properly. It’s a custom goal with the Goal Type being “event” and the Event Category set to “Personal Recommendation” because that was an event we saw being listed in Google Analytics before even setting up the Goal.


Is there a reason why Typeform could be dropping off our UTM’s upon submission? 

Also, is there a reason why Google analytics lists the referrer for traffic/purchases as instead of the actual referrer such as Facebook?

And does a goal of TypeformSubmit need anything other than the event category that I listed?


I’d appreciate any help that you may be able to offer me.



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  • November 15, 2021

Hi @jerky It sounds like you have the UTM variables captured correctly in Typeform, so glad to hear that’s working! As for the data not passing to Shopify, you’ll want to contact them to see what steps you would need to take in order to pass that data from Typeform into Shopify. My guess would be that you’d want to recall the UTM variables in the redirect URL like this to pass them: 

but they should be able to confirm if that will work (if you aren’t doing this already). 

As for Google Analytics, could you send screenshots as to the items you’re referencing? It might help to make a new thread, too, in case anyone else has the same issue. :grinning:

  • Explorer
  • 6 replies
  • November 18, 2021
Liz wrote:

Hi @jerky It sounds like you have the UTM variables captured correctly in Typeform, so glad to hear that’s working! As for the data not passing to Shopify, you’ll want to contact them to see what steps you would need to take in order to pass that data from Typeform into Shopify. My guess would be that you’d want to recall the UTM variables in the redirect URL like this to pass them: 

but they should be able to confirm if that will work (if you aren’t doing this already). 

As for Google Analytics, could you send screenshots as to the items you’re referencing? It might help to make a new thread, too, in case anyone else has the same issue. :grinning:

Hey Liz,

Thanks for that info! When you’re recalling the UTM variables in the redirect URL, do you have to hard code the values into the redirect (example: utm_source=facebook) or are you referring to something else? 

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  • November 18, 2021

Hi @jerky That information, so long as it was passed into the form already, should pass through that redirect URL automatically. 

  • Navigating the Land
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  • March 24, 2022

We would like Typeform to let us know on which page this form is filled in, is that possible?

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  • March 24, 2022

Hi @Hari Babu welcome to the community! I added your post here where we have the answer. 😀

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • November 29, 2022

Hello, can someon help with this scenario?

  • I have a wordpress website and a typeform.
  • There is a link to the typeform on pages A, B and C on my website.
  • Both the website and the typeform are connected to the same google analytics account.

So my goal is, when a form gets submitted, to know in what page on my site (A, B or C) was the user when they clicked on the form.

Right now Im only seeing this in google analytics:


Is there a way to achieve what I want?

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  • November 29, 2022

Hi @er_topo I’ve added your post here where we have more information on this. 😀

  • Navigating the Land
  • 2 replies
  • February 27, 2024

Hi, this article explains how you can track the source of your lead on Typeform

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  • February 27, 2024

Hi @Marc-Antoine this is great, thanks so much for sharing here! How are you using Typeform? We’re always keen to learn more about the different ways people are using our products 😊

  • Navigating the Land
  • 2 replies
  • February 27, 2024


Grace wrote:

Hi @Marc-Antoine this is great, thanks so much for sharing here! How are you using Typeform? We’re always keen to learn more about the different ways people are using our products 😊


Hey Grace!

I am using the technic shared to capture the lead sources in Typeform via the hidden fields available on Typeform. Then, I can viausalize in the results the data that the tool captured (source, channel, campaign, landing page, etc.). 

Then, I connect Typeform to a CRM (using Zapier), so I can see which of my Typeform leads converted as a sale… And therefore, I can see which traffic source is driving most of my revenue.

That’s a quite simple setup when using the tool I shared, and very efficient to optimize my marketing budget :)
