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Hi, I have a created a form with the ending page being a summary of all of the person’s scores for each category. They can then click on the link of each category to go to a separate URL with a descriptionfor that category (the logic required to send them to the page was too tedious so I found this best.

I am wondering if there is a variable I can set up to categorise people into a group according to their highest variable number? I.e I have 6 variables to represent the categories. Can I Group all of the people who scored the highest in category 3 for example ?

I’m looking for a way to export the data and because I can’t export tags, it’s making it very hard.


@LibbyGLOW - you can create a custom variable into which you could put an identifier. something like a variable called v_level and then based on your logic/scoring, you can use a logic rule to to set v_level = ‘category 3 text’ .. 

that way everyone would have a  v_level recorded as part of the data. if you connect to a Google Sheet or download the results, you would be able to filter on the field v_level. 


hope that helps



Thank you Des! I’m assuming this is manually? I can’t set a variable that automatically chooses which category they scored the highest in and give them a label?

@LibbyGLOW - unfortunately either you do the calculation in logic rules and assign to the variable OR you can connect your form to a Google Sheet and use the functions in the sheet to evaluate which is the highest score and assign tag/put an entry into another field with the category. 

