I would like to create 3 blocks of forms with 11 questions each. Then, I would like to calculate the scores for each block. I tried to use the logic to do this, however after I add the ending is not possible to continue to add more forms.
Thank you in advance
Best answer by john.desborough
@valcusto - suggest creating 3 variables to act as subtotals for the blocks. then adding the pts to each block subtotal as appropriate in each question using the logic rules. that will give you the 3 separate variables that show up in your submission.
@valcusto - instead of using an ending you can use a statement question/page to show the output of the calculations and then go to the next set of questions..
@john.desborough Thank you so much for your prompt answer. Probably, I didn’t explain properly. I would like to see the results on my statistics per block (please see image below) but no need to show it to my audience.
@valcusto - suggest creating 3 variables to act as subtotals for the blocks. then adding the pts to each block subtotal as appropriate in each question using the logic rules. that will give you the 3 separate variables that show up in your submission.
For me would be really helpful if I could know de score of each question someone answer.. If I could know that, I would understand where my students need more help!
Is it possible? To know de score of each question?