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Due to privacy reasons, I would like to be able to remove answers to questions that contain personal identifications such as email addresses, but would like to keep the rest of the responses so that I could still see the summary of the overall survey. Is this possible? If not, when can it be made possible as it's not user-friendly to need to transfer the responses to a google sheet or excel and then lose the Typeform's summary report access because you need to delete responses to 1 question.

Hi @BirgitGH Thanks for stopping by the community! While this isn’t a feature we offer in our results, could you integrate the results to another platform, such as Google Sheets, and delete information there?

Of course it's possible to move the responses as mentioned but then I will also lose all the pre-made graphs by Typeform and need to re-create all the charts again for a summarized view.

Hi @BirgitGH That is true, thought I’m afraid that’s the only workaround we have at the moment. All that said, I would suggest exporting the data outside of typeform regardless so you can create your own graphs that suit your business!

