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I have created a survey that is meant to measure 1 overall score, also assess 7 areas of competency and 4 skills. In other words I have a bunch of subset of questions within the survey I need to add together to measure certain traits. Can that be done with Typeform?

I did create variables and a rule to add scores to the variable from the 4 subquestions but the result it came up with was nonsensical. Also I can’t see an obvious way to change the end page to include multiple findings. 

Hey @Rhuntley,

I’m not sure I understand what you exactly want to achieve.

Can you explain it again? Sorry :) 

I have a 28 question survey. The sum total of the answers provides an over all score. There are several other variables that are measured if I were to add certain sections together. When I add those variables and put a rule in place the sums it comes up with are way off and I don’t know what rule I would need to put in place to add that subset. 

did I do a better job that time? This is all new to me and I do not have a good language yet. 

@Rhuntley -the trick to routing it to the ‘correct’ ending is to use logic rules to determine the path. 

if you wanted to record a short video showing how you have put your typeform together so far and outlining how you adding certain sections together at the moment, it would be easier to help you establish the logic rules necessary. 





Wonderful. I will do that. Thank you. 

My son figured it out and it is working perfect. Problem …. don’t get Gen X’ers to do this stuff. 
