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How to generate nice reports of individual responses?

  • 18 November 2021
  • 10 replies


I want to create nice looking reports on individual answers that I can share with the one who filled in the form.

I think the report summary has a nice layout but then it is a summary of all answers. I want individual answers.

If I use PRINT on individual answers it is a rudimentary report.

@tojo - welcome to the community. 

Searching through the posts in the community should show you some ‘almost identical’ threads but here’s one that should help you. 



That is too complicated process. I like the report from Summary by clicking the button “Generate report” but that is a summary of all responses. I would like to have the “same” for individual results”.

sometimes when there are no silver bullets, you have to do a little bit of work to get there.. 

Well I need the images that are connected to each question in the report not just the text answers.

The Summary report had been excellent if individual answers could be generated not only a summary of all as today.

Hi Tojo, I’ve been trying to do the same, but still haven’t found out an answer. Have you managed by any chance? 

Thank you and best wishes


The best solution I came up with was to integrate Typeform with Google Sheets.

I copied the Google sheet and transform Rows to Columns and there I have the start for the Report Template. I formulated the Report as I wanted and used a column for the answers in the first Google Sheets.

In the first file I added the the addition “Document Studio”. Document studio uses then the template to generate the PDF every time a new Typeform is filled in and store the result in Google Drive. 

This works very well.

I hope you got an idea on how you can do it.

@tojo - glad to see that Document Studio worked for you!



What if someone created a third-party app to generate that sort of report? @john.desborough 

  • as a PDF
  • as a nicely designed email

Would you pay a small monthly fee to use such an app? 

Agree with above! Checking to see if Typeform has added (or is adding) the aiblity to filter reports by users? Seems like it would be pretty straightforward based on the functionality already existing on site. Thanks! 


