
Problem with hidden fields in embed typeform

  • 29 March 2022
  • 7 replies


I have some issues with hidden fields in embed typeform. I did everything as it was written in the article ( but cant get hidden field value properly. As I run the typeform directly from the link ( the hidden value (id) is collected properly, but when I use it on the website ( I can’t get it. Can anyone check the website source and tell me what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

7 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @LukaszPytlak Welcome to the community! How are you passing the hidden field information into the embed URL? Is it redirected from somewhere in your site/CRM?

The whole body section of the website is just typeform so it looks like this:


<div data-tf-widget="SE5IuPna" data-tf-transitive-search-params="id" data-tf-hidden="id=xxxxx" data-tf-iframe-props="title=Ankieta B2C (Work in Progress)" data-tf-medium="snippet" style="width:100%;height:100vh;"></div><script src="//"></script>


I think that everything is done properly as told here: 

so I am a little bit confused.


What I need to get is to collect the id from the website address, for example if someone will get a link I need to collect the typeform with the “zaqws” id. It works when I make it directly from typeform ( but from the website I can’t get the id value.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @LukaszPytlak Thanks! How are you passing the ID into the URL? 

@mathio do you see anything in the code that needs to be adjusted? 😀

Userlevel 7
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Hello @LukaszPytlak 

you correctly specified data-tf-transitive-search-params option in your embed. However you also have data-tf-hidden="id=xxxxx" option which is overriding the first one.

I think all you need to do is remove the data-tf-hidden option from your embed code.

Did what you told me to do (remove the “data-tf-hidden”) but still can’t get the id value. Does anyone have any idea? @mathio @Liz 

Looks like it is part of the fragment (after the # ).

My tests show typeform won’t read that. If you stick it into the ?params= part, it reads that.



Userlevel 7
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Hidden fields are correctly passed in the URL fragment (after #). Previously we used query params (after ?) and typeforms still support passing hidden fields that way as a fallback for compatibility reasons.


I built an example here:!/cliff-bristle-trillium

Typeform embedded in the example above has 1 hidden field named id.


In left column the value is hardcoded: data-tf-hidden="id=foobar" 

Value is passed in URL fragment.


In right column the value is dynamically read from the URL: data-tf-transitive-search-params="id"

Value is passed in query string, because data-tf-transitive-search-params can be used for other use cases too (eg. you can pass tracking params like this and tracking pixels usually require query string, not fragment).
