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I observe the below with Typeform, when I rename a question in Typeform content:

1) The column header is renamed in the Results page

2) The column header is not renamed in the integrated spreadsheet. Probably, because the Typeform does not overwrite an existing header row.
I can rename the column header in the spreadsheet manually, the new header value can be the old or the new question or entirely different text.
Regardless, the answer value entered in the Typeform survey slide will write to the same spreadsheet column by position, which is okay.

3) The downloaded csv file has the renamed question, probably because it is generating from the Results page and has the updated info.


Ask 1: Is it possible for Typeform to rename the integrated spreadsheet column header when the question changes?
Most likely when the Typeform changes are published, then to verify if any questions are renamed and update the spreadsheet header row?
This check should be performed on publish, and not on survey answer submissions.

Ask 2: Why is the first column in the integrated spreadsheet empty?

Ask 3: If hidden/custom fields are removed from the Typeform, they are not removed from the Results page or from the integrated spreadsheet.
The obsolete fields makes reading the data less user-friendly.
Can you provide a button/functionality in Typeform, when clicked would check for obsolete fields in the Results and the integrated spreadsheet and remove those columns?
Now, how would you be sure that a column in spreadsheet that was created manually is not an obsolete field?
When a field is removed from Typeform, you may want to keep note of that delete, so you are only removing those columns from the spreadsheet.

Ask 4: Can we manually remove a column from the Results? Not omit from the view, but remove it from the typeform table. Can this action update the integrated spreadsheet too, remove the corresponding column from the sheet?


Hi @jervin31 Thanks for stopping by the community and pointing this out! I’m afraid your first two points are expected behavior. Since the integration is one-way, once the integration is setup, it will take the questions from the form. However, if you update the question text and/or delete questions/variables/hidden fields, this information won’t reflect on the Google Sheet. 

We do share this a bit here, however, I’ll ask our help center team to make this clearer. 

Finally, as for removing a column in the Results panel, you can hide it, but you can’t permanently delete it. Would you mind sharing a bit more about your use case for this? I’ll share that with the product team!

Hi @Liz ,

I just tested out without integration to spreadsheet. I removed obsolete content from the typeform, deleted all responses from Typeform. When I submit a new survey, the obsolete questions show up in the Responses. The questions are visible in the ‘settings’ and disabling them only hides them from the view.

I then connected to spreadsheet and the obsolete questions showed up on the sheet too.


After some survey submissions, we often find that some questions are duplicate (similar to other questions) or irrelevant or no longer needed. However, the questions are still in the spreadsheet/responses, making it confusing and for the data analyst to review.

It’s cleaner to remove the obsolete questions from the data model.

Is there a ‘reset’ function where the list of columns for the Typeform internal data model (that writes to the Responses) is reset based on the current questions and fields?



Hi @jervin31 Got it! Thanks for sharing more on that. We don’t have this feature available, but I’ll pass it along to our developers with more information on your use case. 

In the meantime, I would suggest duplicating the form and removing the questions you no longer need. That way, you won’t seem them in the results or in Google Sheets. 

Thanks @Liz , when we duplicate a form, if we remove the obsolete questions first and then ‘publish’, on the first publish, it will create the columns from the current questions/fields, right?

Once published, if any questions/fields are removed, then on further publishes, the obsolete ones will not be removed from the responses/spreadsheet, right?


Yes, that’s correct, @jervin31 !

Hi again @jervin31 ! Our help center team updated this page to help better reflect the answers to some of the questions you had. Let us know if you have any feedback or would like to see anything else changed!
