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Required question not showing for some responses

  • 7 March 2023
  • 8 replies

Hi everyone,

I’m currently having issues with my Typeform responses, as some of them seem to have required fields blank. What’s weird is that some answers seem to have that field completed while others do not. I considered that it may be a logic jump issue but I tried following the same path as one of the responses with the blank field and I was required to answer all questions. Does anyone know what the issue may be?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hi @bmar Could you send a screenshot if your logic jump map? This can help us see if the logic jumps are causing the issues. 

Hey @Liz, thank you for your response. The whole typeform is a bit long and may be hard to follow, but I’ll show you my problem with a single branch in order to make it clearer. Please note that the text is in Spanish but the logic should be the same.

Basically, the form is to register students for tennis courses. It asks if they want to do Tennis school (older kids) or mini tennis. Based on that response, it asks for the age of the kids, and with that it asks for the time slot they wish to take. It then saves it all. 

The first image shows the logic, and the second shows how there are some responses that follow the same path but do not seem to have an answer saved for question 3 (timeslot). These are all required, by the way.

Hopefully that made my problem clearer. 

Hi @bmar Is Question 23 going backwards in the form? If so, that might be the issue, as we don’t support logic jumps going backwards in the form, as it can cause issues. 

Hey @Liz 

It is not, after the user registers their child, question 23 saves that data and then they are taken to an exit page. You can see that here: 


@bmar are all the questions “required’  - could you show a screenshot of the question where the data is ‘missing’??




Hi @bmar Were you able to solve the issue? If you still need help, let us know!

I’m experiencing the same problem. 

When I look at the sheet, there is just nothing there. And there is no logic behind it?

Hi @KisT Do you mind sharing a few screenshots of how you have the form setup in the builder? Thanks in advance!
