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The Results shows ‘Date’ column that has DateTime value.

  1. What is the field that holds the above date? The ‘hidden’ list does not show any date fields
  2. I want to save Date only (no Time part) to the response sheet based on the current date as of a specific timezone (say EST). If I create a hidden field, say DateOnlyEST, how do I assign it the current date as in EST, on Submit?

The reason, I need date only column is for reporting purpose. We can trim the time part from the current ‘Date’ column, but the goal here is to avoid cleansing the generated response sheet.

Hi @jervin31 Thanks for stopping by the community! To help answer your questions, 


  1. Do you mind sharing a screenshot of the fields you’re referencing? 
  2. We don’t have this feature available, but I can share this idea with the product team. Do you mind sharing a bit more about your use case for this? (For example, is the reporting specifically only in EST?)


Thanks in advance!

@jervin31 - just a thought, as a workaround: Connect the typeform to a Google Sheet and format the column to display only the date per your requirements

the date/time in the submit time in UTC into the Typeform database (or at least it used to be in UTC ...) and isn’t available as part of the form data set.. it’s a ‘system value’ .. 

just a thought 



Thanks, @Liz and @john.desborough , here’s a screenshot of the Hidden fields. Is there a place/documentation where we can see all built-in hidden fields, such as the datetime value used to save the submission timestamp?

For my requirement, I don’t want to simply change the view of the ‘datetime’ to ‘date’, but actually compute the equivalent Day part in the Eastern Standard Time and store it in a separate column.

Within Google sheets, I can try to figure out to use a function for the above, however, I prefer to have this functionality baked into the typeform and use the raw sheet as it is that’s updated by the typeform submission.

Q1. Is there a documentation about all the system fields used by typeform, such as the Stage Type, Start Date and Submitted Date?

Q2. Can I use a function/utility in typeform that lets me calculate the Date only part as in EST when input value is a current timestamp or some UTC datetime?

Q3. What is the benefit of the system field Response Type? If the results are saved only on Submit, wouldn’t this value always be ‘Completed’?

Q4. Why does the downloaded excel sheet show Submit Date as ‘Date’ header? What if we wanted to show both the Start Date and Submit Date? How do we differentiate In the Response screen, ‘Table Settings’, how can we add fields such as Start Date? It’s not about enable/disable fields, but to add fields that I don’t see on the screen but see in the downloaded file?

Is there a setting to custom define the column headers?


Hi @jervin31 Got it! The date/time the form was submitted will always export in UTC but show as the current timezone in your browser when viewing the results. This article here has a lot more information on viewing your results and all of the data that’s included there! We don’t currently have an option to change the formatting of the dates/times or their timezones. 

As for the response type, this is a relatively new field since we launched partial responses. This is to let you know whether the respondent fully completed the form or whether they abandoned it before clicking the submit button. 

For the excel export, do you mind sharing a screenshot of what you’re seeing? The screenshot here looks to be expected, but I can’t quite tell if this is the Excel version or not!

Thanks @Liz , from the

I understand that the Partial Responses is a new feature that let’s us save the response at a specific milestone in the survey questionnaire, and hence the Response Type value is now useful.


I made an error in Q4. I meant to ask, why the Typeform Responses show Submitted Date as ‘Date’? How can we view the Start Date, Stage Date, Submit Date in the Typeform Responses page?

Only one column with header ‘Date’ is shown, so it’s not obvious which date column it’s referring to.

Hi @jervin31 Sorry for missing your comment! That’s a really great question, and I’m honestly not sure why. I’ll pass along that feedback to the product team! The other dates you’re referencing can be found when exporting the results, but not in the Responses page at this time. 
